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Verses I Never Saw: “There But for the Grace of God Go I”

Marcus Grodi |
Articles, Marcus Grodi, Verses I Never Saw | One Comment

This well-known proverbial saying is how I must begin as I consider sharing the Scriptures that God has used to open my very hard heart and stubborn mind. Whenever I see someone lost in sin, ignorance, bitter anger, abhorrent poverty, or addiction to false gods, I know that my on-going salvation has little to do with me, my intellect, or my will, but mostly God’s love, grace, and mercy. Even the little that has to do with my efforts—and continues to be my responsibility—is still only an active response to His grace. It’s all a gift. All of it. Thanks be to God.

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A Lenten Journey

Brother Rex |
Articles | No Comments

The holy season of Lent is approaching — or may already be underway — as you read this article. Lent: that 40 day period (excluding Sundays) leading up to the celebration of Christ’s victory over sin and death. Traditionally these 40 days are a time when holy Mother Church calls her children throughout the world to an intensification of the usual disciplines of the Christian life: prayer, fasting and alms-giving. What follows are several examples of how we might intensify the spiritual discipline of prayer during this Lenten season and beyond.

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We Love Conversion

Kevin Lowry | Articles, News & Updates

Here at The Coming Home Network International (CHNetwork), we spend a lot of time thinking about and praying for conversion. We share a sense that our faith is a profound gift… and that it’s perfectly suited to re-gifting.

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From “Sola Fide” to “Plena Fides”: Justification and the Catholic Faith

Dr. Kenneth J. Howell |
Articles | 46 Comments

Written by Kenneth J. Howell (former Presbyterian pastor), Director, Pastoral Care and Resident Theologian. “When I converted to Catholicism in 1996, my wife could not in good conscience follow me. She became a Missouri Synod Lutheran. Both our new affiliations were a change from our Presbyterian heritage but at least the Presbyterians and Lutherans hold the doctrine of justification by faith alone in common.”

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