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CHN Community Responds

CHNetwork’s Matt Swaim talks Catholicism and potlucks on the Mike Allen Radio Show

August 2, 2016 No Comments


This week’s CHNetwork Community question about potlucks was discussed on Breadbox Media this morning, as Communications Coordinator joined host (and Journey Home alum) Mike Allen to talk about whether Catholic parishes can learn anything about fellowship and community from our protestant brothers and sisters and their covered-dish extravaganzas.  In the intro to the show, Mike had some great things to say about our book, Journeys Home:

“I was reading Marcus Grodi’s edited book, called ‘Journeys Home,’ a collection of chapters of testimonies of people who found their way to the Catholic faith from unlikely backgrounds.  That was me- and it was in reading ‘Journeys Home,’ along with Peter Kreeft’s book, ‘Catholic Christianity,’ back in April of 2004, that kicked me over, was the tipping point, so to speak, at which I recognized something that had been stirring within me, what had begun as an intellectual curiosity about the Catholic faith, then an attraction to the Catholic faith, and finally, thanks to Mr. Grodi and Dr. Kreeft, a tipping point into realizing I was going to have to become Catholic.

…(t)he thing about Marcus Grodi’s edited volume of testimonies was that something articulated in print what I had been feeling. When that happens- when you’re reading something- it’s not that we necessarily need to look for things that agree with us- that’s not what I’m saying- but when something articulates in writing something you have long felt- there is such a power there.  It’s like when you’re reading scripture, frankly; and if you’re reading it as a living document, as the written word of God, and the Spirit alive in it, deep calls to deep.  There’s that truth that scripture speaks to, and it reveals things that interiorly you perhaps had an inkling about, but you’d never seen expressed.  That was my experience with Marcus Grodi’s book, and these testimonies.”

You can, of course, download “Journeys Home” for FREE as an ebook when you register with the Coming Home Network.

Mike’s a great host- we encourage you to listen to the whole thing.  The conversation with Matt about potlucks starts around the 13:00 mark.  And you can add your thoughts about potlucks by going to the CHNetwork Community Question on our blog.

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