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From Bar Mitzvah to RCIA

I still was not sure about the validity of Christianity, so I began to pray to God every day to show me the true path. Wanting to be a good Jew and understand what the Scriptures said, I was praying to the God of the Old Testament. I asked the question that many Jews in the first century must have asked: “Is this Jesus the Messiah who was prophesied?” Before long, I believed in Jesus being the fulfillment of the prophecies. In a further attempt to find the truth, I went to a Bible study led by one of the campus preachers. During our prayers, I felt something like an electric shock and couldn’t move. I didn’t know what it was then, but I now believe that it was the Holy Spirit. After that experience, I decided that I should be born again. Jesus had come to me, and I had accepted Him. The next evening, I was baptized in a backyard swimming pool.

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