Once again, it’s time for our weekly roundup of original and curated Catholic content for converts and the curious! Here are a few items of interest that we’ve been working on over the
Many of you are familiar with our Deep in Scripture podcast, where Marcus Grodi interviews various converts to Catholicism about passages from the Bible that they see differently now that
I never dreamed this would happen — and I don’t think Mother Angelica did either — but this fall we begin the 20th Season of EWTN’s The Journey Home program!
Every person’s journey to the Catholic Church starts with a moment of grace. It starts when God offers us His hand and we say “Yes.” What was your moment of grace? What
Once again, we’re asking our readers and members about how their path to Catholicism has shaped the way they look at Christianity and impacted how they live. Here’s this week’s
Once again, it’s time for our weekly roundup of original and curated Catholic content for converts and the curious! Here are a few items of interest that we’ve been working on over the
This week, we asked our members about missing church services on Sundays prior to their becoming Catholic. Was attendance a non-negotiable, even if you were running a fever? Did
Perhaps some of you have entertained the argument that since Jesus isn’t bound by walls, and “The Church isn’t just some building,” then attendance at weekly Sunday services is
Another week, another digest, jam-packed with original and curated Catholic content for converts and the curious! Here are a few things that we’ve made available to our members over the
For our latest CHNetwork Community question, we continued to solicit your ideas regarding the Church before you became Catholic. This week, we specifically wanted to know what you thought happened in Church history
Many of our members say that it was the study of Church history that was among the main factors that led them to begin to take Catholicism seriously. If all
To help you kick off the first week of October, here’s our weekly digest of Catholic content for converts and the curious! Here are a few things that we’ve made available