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Eight Things To Love About the Catholic Church Part 4: Why We Love the Saints

Cynthia Trainque |
Articles, Eight Things to Love About Catholicism | No Comments

I am the only one in my family of origin that is still Catholic—everyone else now worships at the local Assembly of God. I have been asked, “Why do Catholics pray to and worship saints?” I’m told that it is idolatry, and it takes away from Jesus’ role as the “one mediator between God and mankind”

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Eight Things to Love about the Catholic Church Part 2: Things to Love about the Mass

Cynthia Trainque |
Articles, Eight Things to Love About Catholicism | No Comments

The Mass—from the Latin, Missa; in Greek, Leitourgos, meaning “the work of the people.” It is the most sacred and solemn action whereby heaven and earth meet. It is the place where Catholics find their weekly (even daily) sustenance before heading out anew to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in whichever milieu we find ourselves. It is the holiest of hours.

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