Given all of the attacks on the Church from without by Her detractors, and damage done from within by sinners in Her ranks, it can be easy to lose sight
This is part of an ongoing series from Ken Hensley. Read previous installments: Part I Part II July 2002. I remember hearing the terrible news. An explosion had ripped through a coal mine
Many, if not most, of our members, wrestle internally with the prospect of becoming Catholic for a long time before they start to mention it to their loved ones. Partly,
Baptism is clearly supported by the Scriptures, and shows up all over the New Testament. However, Christian understandings of what it means and how and when it should take place
Hard to believe it, but Lent is upon us! For a lot of our members preparing to be received into the Church this Easter, this will be the first time
Many of our members are lifelong practicing Catholics, or Catholics who have returned to the practice of their faith after time away. However, there are also many CHNetwork members who
Carl Olson, Editor of Catholic World Report for Ignatius Press, joins Marcus Grodi to discuss 2 Peter 1:2-4, where St. Peter talks about the idea of becoming partakers in
Marcus Grodi welcomes Fr. Douglas Grandon, a convert to Catholicism and long time friend of The Coming Home Network, to discuss Luke 16, and Jesus’ parable of the unjust steward.
Dan Burke, Executive Director of the National Catholic Register and President of the Avila Institute joins Marcus Grodi to discuss Jesus’ words in John 14:21, when he tells us
John has been away at seminary for a couple of years and has now come back to his hometown with some new ideas he wants to go over. Wes,
One of the verses most commonly used to argue against the Catholic Church is St. Paul’s admonition in his letter to the Colossians to not be led astray by
On the latest Deep in Scripture podcast, Matthew Leonard from the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology joins Marcus Grodi to discuss a verse that can be frightening to many