After a life of fulfilling the cultural obligations of a cradle Catholic, Dan Gonzalez encountered a “living Gospel” during his first year at college. After sensing that something was “missing” from the services at a non-Catholic worship service, Gonzalez began a search that lead him back home.
Marcus Grodi welcomes Sara Piazza who shares her interesting journey to the Catholic Church, on to Judaism, and then returning Home. Sara grew up on the Island of Martha’s Vineyard.
Biff Rocha grew up in a nominally Catholic home, but, in his mind, he was a “good Catholic”. Looking back on his formative years, Biff realizes that he lived at
After a heart-wrenching encounter with a priest, devout Catholic Paul Lambert fell into a deep depression of sin, alcoholism, and godlessness. After incarceration and much suffering, he discovered the wound he had kept from the Lord and made his way into full communion with the Church of his youth.
Marcus welcomes Catholic revert Billie Mobley to the Journey Home Program. Billie, a native of Newark, NJ, and a daughter of a Southern Baptist mother and a first-generation Portuguese Catholic
After leaving the Catholic Church and attending evangelical denominations, Louise Winant sought the truth of Christ and decided to reconcile with the church of her youth. Even after returning, there was one teaching of the Catholic Church — the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist — that Louise could not get over, until Jesus touched her heart.
Marcus welcomes Catholic revert Cheryl Dickow to the Journey Home program. Cheryl, despite receiving the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, really had little formation or practice in the Catholic faith.
Cheryl Ann, who dreamed of being a missionary and mother of many children, has felt the hand of God throughout her whole life. Facing the crisis of scandal in the Catholic Church, she left to become an Evangelical Christian. An unexpected turn of events awakened a longing desire for Jesus in the Eucharist, which brought her home to the Church of her youth.
Dr. Jim Papandrea, son of a Protestant mother and a father with a long family history in the Catholic Church, was baptized into the faith of the latter. And yet,
Scott Jablonski, a transitional deacon in the Catholic Church joins The Journey Home program. He shares his story of beginning life, being baptized as an infant in the Church and
New Orleans native, Randy Ory, speaks of growing up in Louisiana – a place very Catholic in its culture and its practice. Randy attended Catholic schools through twelfth grade and
Dr. Steven Smith grew up in a loving, moral Catholic home in Chicago in a predominantly Irish Catholic neighborhood. He admits that though weekly mass attenders, the family did not