Most Christian traditions that trace their theologies and doctrines from the Protestant Reformation are known for their convictions that the truths of the Christian faith are found in Sola Scriptura,
The Catholic Church holds that faith in Jesus Christ is not saving faith unless it bears fruit in good works. Vice-versa, the Church holds that such works are so intimately
The disputes between Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as amidst the various Protestant traditions themselves, should, if nothing else, cause one to wonder what the earliest Christian communities thought on
Too often non-Catholics have never heard or read what the Catholic Church truly teaches on issues like Salvation or Justification. They have only too often accepted uncritically what Her antagonists
One of the biggest areas of confusion and misunderstanding between Catholics and Evangelicals is in the area of salvation. How is a person saved? How does a person get to
One Sunday many years ago I was standing in my pulpit preparing to preach. I had done my homework, spending nearly ten hours in prayer, study and exegesis, consulting all the
While Catholics are worrying about what will happen if you subtract from Tradition handed down in both written and unwritten form, Christians who are committed to Sola Scriptura, or Scripture-alone,
“How can Catholics believe that a mere man can never be wrong?” “You mean to tell me that the same guys who authorized the Inquisition and kept mistresses are God’s
It was in reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the topic of its authority that I first realized something that gave me a jolt.
Remove not the ancient landmark which your fathers have set. (Prov. 22:28 RSV) Regarding the authorities of Scripture, Tradition and a teaching Church, there are a number of recurring themes throughout the
When I was a young man, I used to hear stories of the courage of Great Protestant Reformers like Martin Luther and John Calvin. In my reformation heritage, the emphasis
Appearing only briefly in both the Old and New Testaments is a mysterious figure named Melchizedek. The identity of this first priest mentioned in the bible is as strange as