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The Illogical Logic of Sola Scriptura

Marcus Grodi |
Articles, Marcus Grodi | 3 Comments

by Marcus Grodi. There is a television commercial, selling a certain satellite service, that uses a tongue-in-cheek form of illogical chain logic. The writers presume we know not to take their logic seriously, but they also presume that the humor of it will leave us with a positive view of their product.

The logic goes something like this:

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Discernment and the Hard, Long, Right Road Beneath Your Feet

JonMarc Grodi |
Articles | No Comments

by JonMarc Grodi. I am a young husband, father, and professional. These vocations are my primary responsibilities and necessarily must take some degree of precedent over other things in my life. God is NOT calling me to leave my wife, abandon my children, or stop fulfilling my role in providing for them. Even with the accomplishment of some possible good in mind — even a very good “good” — I can be sure that God is not calling me to act wrongly as a means of attaining that good.

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The Necessity of Continuous Conversion

Marcus Grodi |
Articles, Marcus Grodi | 4 Comments

by Marcus Grodi. After 40 years of ministry, half as a Protestant and half as a Catholic, I’ve come to the deep conviction that every single person needs continual conversion, especially when it comes to me. I’m constantly being startled by new aspects of this wonderful Catholic faith, which I thought I had come to understand, but which in reality I understand only as “in a mirror dimly.” And I believe the cause behind most of the conflicts that divide Christians stems from this need for continual conversion, from the top down.

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Stop Evangelizing Me!

Kevin Lowry |
Articles | One Comment

As a kid, it always bugged me when someone was a little too sure about the state of their eternal salvation – and mine.

I heard things like, “You haven’t prayed in tongues yet? Be careful when you cross the street…” or “All you need to do is say a little prayer in your heart, and you’re saved!” One way was too hard, another too easy – and there were countless iterations in between. It didn’t make sense.

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Conversion – Event or Process?

Kevin Lowry |
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by Kevin Lowry. As a child, I bounced around several Christian denominations, but made a conscious decision to live for Christ during my pre-teen years. In fact, I did this a few times, as there were countless opportunities to do so. In my travels, there were frequent altar calls and other invitations to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. In all sincerity, I made that choice in my heart…

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In Christ and Still Abiding?

Marcus Grodi |
Articles, Marcus Grodi | 2 Comments

The reason we must evangelize with both creative yet charitable strategies is because of the biblical concepts of being “in Christ” and “abiding in Christ.”

IN CHRIST: Our Lord told his disciples that, after his death and resurrection, “In that day you will know that I am in the Father, you in me and I in you” (Jn 14:20).

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How Scripture Brought This Presbyterian Minister Home to the Catholic Church

Marcus Grodi | CHN Videos | 3 Comments

Marcus Grodi was a former Protestant Minister striving for holiness and deeply concerned with leading his flock to truth. Troubled by the lack of unity in teachings among the variety of Christian denominations, he began an extensive study of the early Church. Watch this video to see what he found. Thanks to for this great video interview.

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