In 2024, we were privileged to share another year of incredible testimonies on EWTN’s The Journey Home. Every story is different, but they all show how God’s grace creatively works through his sons and daughters to guide them home to the Catholic Faith.
According to site visits, social media activity and your feedback, here were the most popular Journey Home episodes from 2024:
10. Seth Haines – Former Evangelical Protestant
Seth Haines shares how he and his wife found each other through a desire to grow in faith together, and how medical struggles with one of their children led to Seth’s reliance upon alcohol. He also discusses how this experience led him, as well as his family, to reprioritize their spiritual lives, and eventually to find a spiritual home in the Catholic Church. Seth’s journey is a powerful testimony to how God can work even within the messiness of our lives, and bring beauty out of suffering. Watch Seth’s episode.
9. Jack Williams – Former Evangelical Protestant
Jack Williams, who serves as General Manager of EWTN Radio, shares his complicated path to the Catholic Church, from an on-fire “born again” conversion as a young man, through family struggles and eventually to the Catholic Church, through the persistent prayers of loved ones who never gave up on him.
Some of you may also be familiar with the work of Jack’s wife, Johnette Williams, host of EWTN’s Women of Grace. Watch Jack’s episode.
8. Jeremy Rivera – Former Evangelical Pastor
Jeremy Rivera was raised Catholic, but left the faith at 18. In college, he was at a low point when he was invited to an Evangelical church; he ended up plugging into a Bible study, and began to experience a major turnaround in his life.
Jeremy went on to attend seminary, and eventually pastored in Hawaii, California, and Denver. However, he began to be troubled at all the different expressions of Christianity he saw around him, and knew there had to be a true, authoritative version of Christianity. His desire to seek that out led him back to the Catholic Church. Watch Jeremy’s episode.
7. Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM – Catholic Revert, Former Agnostic
Fr. Ken Geraci grew up Catholic, but left the faith as a young man. He chased after fortune in the business world, eventually founding a highly successful software company. Unable to find happiness in all the ways he though would bring fulfillment, he revisited the idea of faith, coming back first to belief in God, then in Christianity, and eventually back to the Catholic Church. As part of that journey back, he recognized a call to the priesthood with the Fathers of Mercy. Watch Fr. Ken’s episode.
6. Paul Rose – Former Evangelical Protestant
Paul Rose was raised in a Christian family, and was always interested in music, particularly singing and songwriting. As a young man, that desire to learn more about music led him deeper into the religious patrimony of the Catholic Church, from the beauty of sacred classical music to the chanting of the Psalms in the Liturgy of the Hours.
He was received into the Catholic Church his freshman year of high school, and has since devoted himself to helping others learn and pray, and especially sing, the Divine Office. Watch Paul’s episode.
5. Megan Thomas – Former Southern Baptist
Megan Thomas grew up heavily involved in her Baptist world, steeped in Scripture, prayer, mission trips, and more. However, she still felt like something was missing in the way she understood Christianity. As she grew older and she began to take greater ownership of her faith, Megan realized that a lot of the arguments she was using to defend her faith had their greatest roots in the Catholic intellectual tradition. That revolutionized her Christian worldview, and helped her complete the incomplete picture of Christianity she’d been struggling with for years. Watch Megan’s episode.
4. Matt and Rachel Sheils – Former Salvation Army Officers
Matt and Rachel Sheils were Salvation Army officers who began to ask questions about the foundations of authority, morality, and the nature of what it meant to be part of a worshipping community. They took some time off to reflect on these questions and dive more deeply into Scripture, and in doing so, found themselves surprisingly drawn to the truth and beauty of the Catholic Church. Watch their episode.
3. Courtney Comstock – Former Pentecostal
Courtney Comstock shares the series of life experiences and questions that led her from a background in Pentecostalism to a home in the Catholic Church. She also shares how she worked through some of the anti-Catholic ideas that she overheard through the years, as well as her experience of the annulment process. Watch Courtney’s episode.
2. Fr. Jeffrey Kirby – Former Nominal Catholic
Fr. Kirby was raised nominally Catholic, with strong sense of right and wrong but no real understanding of what Catholicism was about. At a scouting retreat in his teens, some Evangelical friends started mocking Catholicism and it stunned him, because he had no idea if what they were saying about Catholicism was true, and if it was, how to defend it.
That started for him a quest as a young man to learn not just the facts about Catholicism, but about the person of Jesus Christ. His faith caught fire, and the fruit of that search for a closer relationship with Jesus bore fruit in his discernment of a call to the priesthood. Watch Fr. Kirby’s episode.
1. Nora Jensen – Former Wiccan
Raised in a Wiccan family, Nora Jensen grew up with an extremely cynical attitude towards Christianity. However, when she became a young adult, she began to have some deeply unsettling experiences with Wiccan and New Age practices, and began to distance herself from them. She began dating a Catholic, and was invited to Mass, which she expected to hate. Her experience there surprised her, and she began a journey of exploring the Catholic Church on its own terms. Watch Nora’s episode.
Thank you for joining us for another great year! And we can’t wait to share another one full of great Journey Home episodes in 2025…
To support our work into the new year, please consider an end-of-year gift today!
View the Top 10 episodes from previous years: 2016 – 2017 – 2018 – 2019 – 2020 – 2021 – 2022 – 2023