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Full Communion

Fr. Donald Flumerfelt |
Anglican & Episcopalian, Conversion Stories | 4 Comments

In my youth, my whole family was actively involved in many aspects of the United Church of Canada in Calgary, Alberta and in Montreal, Quebec. They were good and creative years. My call to ministry came while serving as a counselor for a church camp outside Montreal. One beautiful summer morning, the sun was dancing off the water and a gentle breeze was blowing.

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The Words of Eternal Life

Louise Winant |
Conversion Stories, Evangelical, Reverts to the Catholic Faith | One Comment

After leaving the Catholic Church and attending evangelical denominations, Louise Winant sought the truth of Christ and decided to reconcile with the church of her youth. Even after returning, there was one teaching of the Catholic Church — the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist — that Louise could not get over, until Jesus touched her heart.

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More Than Enough

Kathy McDonald |
Conversion Stories, Lutheran | 24 Comments

Our third son was 10 days old on “Reformation Sunday” 1998. The preacher that Sunday at the local Lutheran church we attended was a retired Lutheran school principal, a man in his 70s with a great shock of white hair. He ascended the pulpit and held up a book, a book he proclaimed “the work of the devil!” The book was by a Catholic author on justification. The preacher offered this book as evidence that “the Reformation must go on!” To me, he came across as so angry and fearful, so unreasonably opposed to the Catholic author, that I leaned over and whispered to my husband, Joe, and said “Sounds like a book we ought to read.”

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Three Ways the Reformed Faith Prepared Me to be a Catholic

Kenneth J. Howell |
Articles | 9 Comments

by Dr. Kenneth Howell. I am deeply grateful for how I grew up. I was baptized into the Presbyterian Church when I was an infant, grew up in a good, solid congregation that had a vibrant youth group in my teen years. I attended a Presbyterian college, a Reformed seminary, and taught in a Reformed seminary before becoming a Catholic. As I look back I can now see three ways in which the Reformed Faith prepared me for becoming a Catholic.

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Towards Unity

Fr. Jurgen Liias |
Anglican & Episcopalian, Anglican Church of North America, Charismatic Episcopal, Conversion Stories | 14 Comments

After 40 years as an Episcopal priest, Jurgen Liias became a Catholic in August 2012. In April 2013 he was ordained a Catholic priest through the Anglican Ordinariate. A community of about 25 other former Anglicans have joined him in forming the parish of St. Gregory the Great of the US Anglican Ordinariate in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts.

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