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Peter, the Rock, the Keys, and the Chair – Steve Ray

Steve Ray |
2009 Conference- Pillar and Bulwark of Truth, Deep in History | No Comments

Biblical scholar and Holy Land pilgrimage leader Steve Ray delves into the Jewish roots of the papacy, namely “the keys”, “the rock”, and “the chair”. Ray, a former Baptist, draws from his trips to the Holy Land to bring to life the commissioning of Peter as the first pope using vivid historical and contextual highlights.

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Breaking Through the Myths of History

Dr. Kenneth Howell |
2003 Conference – Going Deep in History, History | One Comment

Historian Dr. Kenneth Howell describes how historical myths play a part in the perception of the Catholic Faith and gives insight into seeking truth throughout history. He explores first the “Galileo Affair” and then looks back at worship and Church government in early Christianity to demonstrate the fundamental importance not just of knowing historical data but being deep in the historical faith.

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Verses I Never Saw: “There But for the Grace of God Go I”

Marcus Grodi |
Articles, Marcus Grodi, Verses I Never Saw | One Comment

This well-known proverbial saying is how I must begin as I consider sharing the Scriptures that God has used to open my very hard heart and stubborn mind. Whenever I see someone lost in sin, ignorance, bitter anger, abhorrent poverty, or addiction to false gods, I know that my on-going salvation has little to do with me, my intellect, or my will, but mostly God’s love, grace, and mercy. Even the little that has to do with my efforts—and continues to be my responsibility—is still only an active response to His grace. It’s all a gift. All of it. Thanks be to God.

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A Lenten Journey

Brother Rex |
Articles | No Comments

The holy season of Lent is approaching — or may already be underway — as you read this article. Lent: that 40 day period (excluding Sundays) leading up to the celebration of Christ’s victory over sin and death. Traditionally these 40 days are a time when holy Mother Church calls her children throughout the world to an intensification of the usual disciplines of the Christian life: prayer, fasting and alms-giving. What follows are several examples of how we might intensify the spiritual discipline of prayer during this Lenten season and beyond.

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How (Not) to Become Catholic

Jim Tonkowich |
Conversion Stories | 4 Comments

How (Not) to Become Catholic is an insightful look at how a Presbyterian pastor was led to the fullness of truth in the Catholic Church, but from the perspective of what Protestants should not do so as to avoid becoming Catholic such as “Avoid Being ‘Deep in History'” and “Do Not Read the Church Fathers.” A profound and interesting perspective at conversion. Download your free copy today!

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