9th Deep In History Conference, Panel Discussion

February 06, 2012 | No Comments

Marcus Grodi with Roy Schoeman, Mark Shea, Dr. Scott Hahn & Fr. Ray Ryland.

Dr. Peter Huff: Former Southern Baptist

January 30, 2012 | No Comments

Dr. Peter Huff grew up in Atlanta, Georgia in the faith tradition and culture of the Southern Baptist Convention.  He and his family were very active participants in the life

Bryan Kemper: Former Presbyterian

January 23, 2012 | No Comments

Bryan Kemper shares his dramatic conversion from the pit of destruction due to drugs and dark lifestyle to wholeness in Jesus Christ.  Bryan describes how right from the start he

Albert Holder: Former Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

January 08, 2012 | One Comment

Albert Holder grew up as the son of a career missionary in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints (now the Community of Christ).  His faith was sincere

Mike D’Andrea: Revert to the Catholic Faith

January 02, 2012 | No Comments

Growing up with seven brothers and three sisters in an Italian Catholic family in Akron, OH, Mike D’Andrea received a solid foundation in Catholic Christianity from his parents and through

Randy Hain: Former Southern Baptist

December 26, 2011 | No Comments

As a child living in the Bible belt of southern Georgia, Randy Hain was the son of devout Southern Baptist parents.  Baptized at age nine, he really did not know

Dr. Allen Hunt: Former United Methodist Minister

December 12, 2011 | No Comments

Dr. Allen Hunt was born into a Methodist family with a long line of pastors.  Despite not intending to go into “the family business”, Dr. Hunt did in fact end

Patrick Coffin: Revert to the Catholic Faith

December 05, 2011 | No Comments

Patrick Coffin, born in Nova Scotia, is Catholic apologist, author, speaker and radio show host.  He shares with Marcus his journey of faith as a Catholic, then agnostic, who has

Debbie Herbeck: Convert from Judaism

November 28, 2011 | No Comments

Growing up in Chicago in a conservative Jewish family and culture, Debbie Herbeck lived out her faith on a daily basis.  But the death of her brother when she was

John Fraysier: Former Evangelical Free

November 14, 2011 | No Comments

John Fraysier grew up as one of three children in an American Baptist family in upstate New York.  Active in his church, John affirmed his faith in baptism at age

Dan Burke: Convert from Judaism

November 07, 2011 | 2 Comments

Dan Burke’s father was an agnostic but his mother was a practicing reformed Jew whose familial roots were in Russian Judaism.  It was from that side of the family that

Caroline Rood: Former Episcopalian

October 31, 2011 | No Comments

Growing up in Vermont, Caroline Rood was a gifted child who had a close relationship with the Lord.  Both of her parents were in the performing arts and encouraged their

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