Joshua Johnson: Former United Methodist Minister

By Joshua Johnson
April 25, 2011 | No Comments

Joshua Johnson began life in Mississippi in a family dedicated to the Baptist tradition of the Christian faith.  Experiencing a love for Jesus at a young age, Joshua made his

Fr. Brad Sweet: Former Baptist

By Fr. Brad Sweet
April 18, 2011 | One Comment

Fr. Brad Sweet, a native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, grew up in a family who lived out its Baptist faith.  His formation continued until Fr. Brad entered college when he

Michael Matthews: Former Independent Baptist Minister

By Michael Matthews
April 04, 2011 | No Comments

Michael is a former independent Baptist minister, of the Bob Jones University variety. When he was a Baptist he led many, many Catholics to leave the Church. Now he is a Catholic

Wes & Kelly Baker: Former Nazarenes

By Wes & Kelly Baker
March 28, 2011 | No Comments

Wes and Kelly Baker, a married couple, both grew up in the Nazarene tradition of Protestantism. They met as students at Mount Vernon Nazarene University in Ohio.  They shared an

Matthew Fradd: Revert to the Catholic Faith

By Matthew Fradd
March 21, 2011 | No Comments

Growing up in Australia under the tutelage of a saintly grandmother and a devout mother – both Catholic – Matt Fradd was brought to Mass each week.  But gradually, as

Matt Swaim: Former Methodist

By Matt Swaim
March 14, 2011 | No Comments

Matt Swaim started life in the Nazarene tradition in central OH as the son of faithful parents.  They instilled within him a love of scriptures.  Matt moved to central KY

Tom Peterson: Revert from Secularism

By Tom Peterson
March 07, 2011 | No Comments

Tom Peterson’s motto, “if it is to be, it is up to me”, was the mantra for his high-strung, over-achieving business persona.  Yes, he was a Mass-attending member of the

Jeffry Hendrix: Former United Methodist Minister

By Jeffry Hendrix
February 28, 2011 | No Comments

When Jeffry Hendrix first heard the classical music piece Sheherazade at age 5, he was moved to tears.  It was his introduction to the truth, beauty and goodness of the

Brian & Barbara Lilley: A Revert and Convert From Canada

By Brian & Barbara Lilly
February 21, 2011 | No Comments

Brian and Barbara Lilley, lifelong citizens of Canada, shared their journey of faith with Marcus.  Brian, a cradle Catholic, drifted away from his roots as he neared adulthood, but never

Dr. Kevin Vost: Revert from Atheism

By Kevin Vost
February 14, 2011 | No Comments

Author Dr. Kevin Vost grew up in a Catholic family, attended Catholic schools and attended Mass regularly.  Yet, religion was not something discussed at home.  A moral foundation was set

Panel Discussion on Sola Scriptura

By Kenneth Howell, Bruce Sullivan, Paul Thigpen, Richard Lane, Scott Hahn & Marcus Grodi
February 07, 2011 | No Comments

Panel discusses the Protestant doctrine of “sola Scriptura”. The participants are Dr. Kenneth Howell, former Presbyterian minister; Bruce Sullivan, former Church of Christ minister, Dr. Paul Thigpen, former Pentecostal minister,

Eben Emerson: Former Church of Christ Minister

By Eben Emerson
January 31, 2011 | One Comment

Eben Emerson was raised by his mother in northwest Arkansas.  Even though there was a pentecostal church next door,  his family had no faith affiliation.  Nonetheless, at age 7, seeds

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