Amy Daniels: Former Methodist Air Force Chaplain

By Amy Daniels
April 13, 2015 | 2 Comments

Amy was brought up in a military home on Governor’s Island in New York. Her parents were Presbyterian but, attending the base chapel, Amy viewed herself merely as Protestant. While

Jay Lampart: Revert from Evangelicalism

By Jay Lampart
April 06, 2015 | One Comment

Jay grew up in an active Catholic home and community in New York. After they moved to Pennsylvania and a new culture he began to drift away from the faith

Dr. Jay Richards: Former Presbyterian

By Dr. Jay Richards
March 30, 2015 | No Comments

Jay grew up in a Presbyterian family in Texas. He credits his best friend growing up, who was Church of Christ, with his knowledge of the Bible. When he went off

Janet Schmittgen: Former Polish National Catholic

By Janet Schmittgen
March 23, 2015 | One Comment

Janet was raised in Pennsylvania. Her father was Polish National Catholic and her mother Lutheran. From a young age she was devoted to the church but she also had many

Brandon Barker: Former Southern Baptist/Evangelical

By Brandon Barker
March 16, 2015 | One Comment

Brandon grew up in Texas the son of two wonderful Christian parents and from his youth he loved Jesus Christ. When he was about 12 Brandon and his family began

Dr. Wesley Vincent – Former Fundamentalist & Evangelical

By Wesley Vincent
March 02, 2015 | No Comments

As a young boy, Wesley was brought up in a Nazarene church. There he learned the importance of freewill and holiness in the Christian life. Later his parents moved and

Charlotte Ostermann: Former Nazarene

February 23, 2015 | One Comment

A former Nazarene, Charlotte shares her experience of coming to Christ through a Christian coworker’s kindness and invitation to attend her Bible study. Later she was drawn to the Catholic

April Bright: Former United Pentecostal

February 16, 2015 | 10 Comments

April was brought up in a faithful United Pentecostal home. When she was a little girl her mother taught her about God and prayer. From and early age April had a close

Dr. Ian Murphy: Former Baptist Minister

February 09, 2015 | No Comments

Ian, as a little boy, developed a love for the Scriptures and had read the entire Bible by the time he was eight years old. Sadly, at this point he became

Dr. Robin Pierucci: A Jewish Convert To The Catholic Faith

February 02, 2015 | 4 Comments

Robin was brought in a Jewish home. Her father said that they were “convenient Jews” rather than orthodox, reformed or conservative. Still Robin always talked to God. Sadly, she had

Gary Zimak: A Revert To The Catholic Church

January 26, 2015 | No Comments

Gary was brought up in a traditional Polish Catholic home. He attended Catholic school and attended weekly Mass. He had a very basic relationship with God. He would pray when

Joshua Bowman, Former Anglican

January 19, 2015 | No Comments

Joshua was raised Episcopalian. The family faithfully attended Sunday school and liturgy every week. Sadly, church was more of an apostrophe of the week than a major factor of the family’s

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