Rick Rosen: A Convert to the Catholic Faith from Judaism

January 05, 2015 | No Comments

Rick grew up in a Jewish community in Oak Park, Michigan. Unknown to Rick, his journey to faith in Jesus Christ began when he married an Irish Catholic girl. God

Rit Leslie: An Evangelical Protestant Who Became A Catholic

December 22, 2014 | No Comments

Rit is a former Evangelical Protestant from a born-again family. He claimed he’d never ever be Catholic, or raise his kids Catholic, or even step foot in a Catholic church. Rit

Brendan O’Morchoe, Former Episcopalian

December 15, 2014 | No Comments

Brendan grew up in Illinois in an Episcopal family. They attended church every Sunday but his faith didn’t really impact his life outside of church, except when he was having

Matthew DiMartino: A Fundamentalist Baptist Who Became a Catholic

December 08, 2014 | One Comment

Matthew grew up in a Protestant family. His mother had been Baptist and his father had been Catholic. They brought Matthew up in a Charismatic Episcopal parish. In high school, he got involved

Fr. Greg Paffel: A Catholic Who Returned from the Assemblies of God

November 24, 2014 | No Comments

Father Greg was raised in a Catholic family but, though he believed in God, he only remembers praying with his heart twice when he was young. Sadly, he had next

Michael Cousineau: An Assemblies of God Who Returned to the Catholic Church

November 17, 2014 | No Comments

Mike was brought up Catholic. While in college his journey away from the Church began when a friend’s mother led him in the sinner’s prayer. While in the military, a

Dale Ahlquist: A Baptist Who Became a Catholic

November 10, 2014 | No Comments

Dale was born in a devout Baptist home. His parent gave him a deep love of God and Scripture. As a young man he memorized whole books of the Bible.

Dr. Matthew Cabeen: An Evangelical Protestant Who Became Catholic

November 03, 2014 | No Comments

Matthew was brought up as an Evangelical Protestant. His parents had previously been active Jehovah’s Witnesses. As a child he was filled with a love and knowledge of the holy

Fr. Bill Kneemiller: Returned to the Catholic Faith from the New Age

October 27, 2014 | 3 Comments

Father Bill grew up in a Catholic family in St. Charles, Missouri. In college he became involved, beginning with Yoga, in Eastern meditation and eventually the New Age Movement. He

Jack Tripp: A Baptist Who Returned to the Catholic Faith

October 20, 2014 | No Comments

Jack was brought up as a Boston Irish Catholic. Even though he was Catholic and the family prayed daily, the faith was never talked about in his home. When Jack graduated

Dr. Ryan Messmore: Methodist Who Became Catholic

October 13, 2014 | One Comment

Ryan was born, along with his two sisters, in West Virginia, in a believing Methodist family. In college at Duke University, he was active in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. In the

Marcus Daly: A Worldly Catholic Returns Home

October 06, 2014 | No Comments

Marcus grew up in Pennsylvania in a Catholic family. Unfortunately, because of family issues, he had an anxious childhood.  Even so, they never missed Mass, though there was not a profound

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