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A Convert’s Response To Friends – From a letter by Robert E. Day

Articles | One Comment

Because you are among several folks who are worried that we have fallen off the Christian cliff, I thought that this record of an interchange with Internet friends who had similar concerns might ease your anxiety about our salvation prospects. It is important to understand that we are not writing this to try to convert you, but to hopefully neutralize your prejudices so if any other friend converts, you can say “Gee Whiz, that is wonderful” as opposed to “You poor lost soul.” Here is the interchange:

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St. Joseph: The World’s Greatest Father

Steve Ray |
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As ignored and avoided as Mary is by most non-Catholics, Joseph is even more so! Yet, God the Father also chose him specifically to be the foster father of His Son Jesus. In this article Steve Wood describes the unique and important role Joseph can play in helping men today become loving, faithful and holy husbands and fathers.

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A Look at the “Hail Mary”

Lynn Nordhagen |
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The Hail Mary, traditionally known as the Ave Maria, is a Biblical prayer. In the first half, the words are directly from the Gospel of St. Luke, while the second half reflects what this could mean to us, praying Christians in the Body of Christ, pondering these things in our hearts.

The account of the angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she is to be the mother of our Savior is familiar to all Christians. We find here the first elements of the Ave Maria. The angel’s words are “Hail, O favored one,” (Luke 1:28 RSV), or as Jerome translated it in his 4th century Latin edition, “full of grace.”

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Martin Luther’s Devotion to Mary

Dave Armstrong |
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Despite the radicalism of early Protestantism toward many ancient Catholic “distinctives,” such as the Communion of the Saints, Penance, Purgatory, Infused Justification, the Papacy, the priesthood, sacramental marriage, etc., it may surprise many to discover that Martin Luther was rather conservative in some of his doctrinal views, such as on baptismal regeneration, the Eucharist, and particularly the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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What is Devotion to Mary?

Mark Miravalle, S.T.D. | Articles | No Comments

Many Protestant Christians believe that Catholic devotion to Mary eclipses Jesus, or involves improper worship of a human creature. In this short article, Dr. Miravalle, whose wife Beth is a convert to the Catholic Church, explains a proper view of Catholic devotion to Mary.

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Our Lady’s Gentle Call to Peace

Joan Tussing |
Conversion Stories, Lutheran | No Comments

Last year, Francka Povsic, my special friend and co-leader of our prayer group gave me a copy of the above inspirational audio cassette. These words from St. Francis De Sales powerfully describe the Truth that I have learned about God’s infinite love for me. Our Lady gently called me to peace through reported messages of Mary and eventually to the Roman Catholic Church.

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One Saving Action

Fr. Dwight Longenecker | Blog | One Comment

One of the biggest areas of confusion and misunderstanding between Catholics and Evangelicals is in the area of salvation.  How is a person saved? How does a person get to

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