As a young boy, Wesley was brought up in a Nazarene church. There he learned the importance of freewill and holiness in the Christian life. Later his parents moved and
Today on Deep in Scripture, Marcus and Ken discuss Romans 11:1-12 where Paul asks, “Has God rejected his own people?” and look at Paul’s emphatic denial that God has abandoned the Jews. Also, they comment on a Facebook debate about the Catholic Church and the Early Church Fathers.
St. Paul quotes Joel that all who call upon the Lord will be saved. Did the Old Testament prophet Joel mean everyone or just the Jews? Building upon other Old Testament prophesies, St. Paul emphasizes that for a person to call upon the Lord…
Saint Paul addresses the question: “Why haven’t all the Jews responded to the Gospel of Christ?” They were the chosen people, but yet the majority of the Jews did not accept Jesus as their Messiah. Why?
In this episode of Deep in Scripture, former Calvinist ministers Marcus Grodi and Dr. Kenneth Howell discuss Romans 9, which never says that God predestines people to damnation.
In this passage, Saint Paul addresses a question that nearly every Christian wonders: Why haven’t my friends and family members, or even the majority of Mankind, responded to the call
In this section of Romans, St. Paul builds upon what he assumes his Christian audience already accepts: that there is a close intimacy between God and His Creation. The Hebrews spoke often of this in their Psalms. St. Paul draws on this intimacy, as well as the separation and “groaning” that Creation experiences as a result of Man’s sin, as a metaphor of a Christian’s present experience in this world and the eventually resurrection of the body. Creation and Mankind stand side-by-side awaiting this redemption.
In this episode of Deep in Scripture radio, Marcus Grodi and Kenneth Howell discuss what it means to be “debtors” to the world and to Christ. Are we sheep or are
Today on Deep in Scripture radio, Marcus Grodi and Ken Howell discuss a fine email concerning the relationship between the Mystical Body of Christ and the Catholic Church, and what
Christians still struggle with sin. How does a Christian deal with personal failings? How does a Christian view death? How does a Christian progress in the spiritual life? Do we realize
In answer to a listener email, Marcus Grodi and Dr. Kenneth Howell discuss enslavement through the culture of our day, both through economy and sexuality.
Marcus and Ken take a question on the effects of Baptism and continue their study of Romans. As a result of death and resurrection of Christ we are no longer slaves to sin, but there is still the danger of going back, choosing the slavery we had before. We need to understand the trajectory of our choices and continually inform our consciences by the standard of proper teaching.