From “Spiritual but not Religious” to Catholic – Christine Flynn

October 29, 2021 | No Comments

Christine Flynn wasn’t raised in any particular faith, but growing up, she remembers having vivid dreams, and the desire to interpret them led her to explore a lot of forms

An Okie Baptist Discovers the Church Fathers – Bo Bonner

October 22, 2021 | No Comments

Bo Bonner had strong Baptist roots, but it was the Methodists who got his attention at Oklahoma State and Duke Divinity to really claim his Christian faith as his own

“I’ve lived my entire life focused on Jesus.” – Judy Davids

September 24, 2021 | No Comments

Judy Davids was born into a Plymouth Brethren family, and from a young age knew that she needed to follow Jesus wherever he called her. She met her husband at

Returning to the Church from Alcoholism – Deacon Lou Aaron

August 27, 2021 | No Comments

Deacon Lou Aaron came from a big Catholic family, but began drinking in his early teens, and that became the most important thing in his life. When his wife discovered

Finding God in Creation – Dan Teller

August 06, 2021 | No Comments

Dan Teller grew up in a Jewish home that honored the feasts and traditions of his rich heritage, but he himself never really prayed much. However, Dan had a longing

Back to the Truth – James Beaumont

July 16, 2021 | No Comments

James Beamont was raised Catholic, but when he graduated high school, he felt like he graduated from Catholicism as well. Encounters with Evangelical Christian friends led him to wrestle with

Catholic to Agnostic to Pentecostal to Catholic – Frank Cronin

May 28, 2021 | No Comments

Frank Cronin was raised Catholic, but by college, had decided that religion wasn’t for intellectually serious people. After his wife had a born-again experience just a few days before their

A Pentecostal Preacher Becomes Catholic – Marcus Peter

February 05, 2021 | No Comments

Marcus Peter was raised Catholic in Malaysia, but when he had tough questions about faith, he felt like he got inadequate answers from Catholics, and decided that atheism made more

“I Couldn’t Perform Abortions.” – Dr. Alicia Thompson

December 04, 2020 | No Comments

Dr. Alicia Thompson didn’t grow up with any kind of religious background, but when she went to med school to become an OB/GYN, and was met with the decision of

From Atheist to Deacon – Deacon Joe Calvert

November 20, 2020 | No Comments

Growing up in Kentucky, Deacon Joe Calvert had experience of Baptist, Methodist, and Christian Science congregations, but by the time he got to college, he was pretty sure none of

The Ancient Church is Alive Today – Dr. Bud Marr

September 04, 2020 | No Comments

Dr. Bud Marr was raised with a strong faith in Jesus as an Evangelical Protestant. As he grew older, his desire to anchor that faith more deeply led him to

God and Narnia – Andrew Petiprin

August 28, 2020 | No Comments

Andrew Petiprin was captivated by the Chronicles of Narnia as a child, and it gave his faith a sense of wonder and a reverence for beauty and mystery. Later, he

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