An Actor Becomes a Catholic Deacon – Deacon Graham Galloway

September 09, 2022 | No Comments

Deacon Graham Galloway was raised Presbyterian, and through his teens into young adulthood, had roles on everything from back to school specials to Matlock and 90210 to the acclaimed Stand

A Vineyard Pastor Returns to Rome – Celso Tavares

July 22, 2022 | No Comments

Celso Tavares grew up Catholic, and even considered the priesthood, but became fascinated and compelled by what he was discovering in Reformed theology. Later, he would become a Vineyard pastor,

A Baptist Mom’s Journey to Catholicism – Melissa Slagle

June 24, 2022 | No Comments

Melissa Slagle was raised Baptist, but really began to be grow in her relationship with Jesus through the mentorship of a high school teacher. Later, when one of her daughters

A Brazilian Pastor Becomes Catholic – Eduardo Faria

June 10, 2022 | No Comments

In Eduardo Faria’s experience as a Presbyterian pastor in Brazil, he was deeply in love with his faith and passionate about teaching it. But when some significant questions about the

Finding Faith After Abortion – Kerstin Pakka

May 20, 2022 | No Comments

Kerstin Pakka grew up with a sense of Christianity as a moral code, but faith to her was always something she would get flashes of and sense from time to

My Easter Homecoming – Seth Horton

April 14, 2022 | No Comments

Seth Horton was a strong Evangelical Christian who grew up assuming that Catholicism was a cult. Later when he started dating a Catholic, he spent time trying to talk her

From Tourist to Pilgrim – Michelle Paine

March 25, 2022 | No Comments

As part of a study abroad program with her Evangelical college, Michelle Paine spent a significant amount of time in Orvieto, Italy, developing her skills as an artist. The longer

Proposing Christ in a Post-Christian Age – Dr. Jennifer Frey

February 25, 2022 | No Comments

Dr. Jennifer Frey is a former atheist whose study of philosophy led her to the Catholic Faith. She discusses why the claims of Jesus mean that he can’t be considered

Skepticism, Reason and Faith – Pat Flynn

February 18, 2022 | No Comments

Pat Flynn grew up Catholic, but was quickly enamored with humorists like Mark Twain and H.L. Mencken, who led him to skepticism and eventually atheism as a scientific materialist. However,

A Restorationist Seeks the Early Church – Dr. David Russell Mosley

December 17, 2021 | No Comments

Dr. David Russell Mosley first came to a personal faith in Jesus through a friendship with the son of a Church of Christ pastor, and that soon became the most

From Fundamentalism to Catholicism – Michael Kelleher

December 10, 2021 | No Comments

Michael Kelleher grew up in a family that was deeply devoted to the Bible. So much so, in fact, that they had trouble finding a church home where they thought

A Reformed Baptist Becomes Catholic – Marcy Kelleher

November 12, 2021 | No Comments

Marcy Kelleher grew up a strong Christian in the Reformed Baptist tradition. In college, she’d have vigorous debates with other Christian friends, and it led her to wonder about why

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