“I began to realize how I could see Jesus in others, even if they didn’t love him.” – Maija Fish

November 21, 2017 | No Comments

Growing up in what she calls a “Church-positive” home, Maija Fish believed in God, but didn’t realize she could have a personal relationship with Jesus until high school. Later, in

“I realized that somehow, the saints had always been there with me.” – Christopher Reibold

November 09, 2017 | No Comments

Chris Reibold rejected his Catholic faith as a teenager, but the experience of career burnout as an adult led him to start rethinking his life. He got into screenwriting, and

“Taking a course on the Church Fathers was a life-changing experience for me.” – Msgr Jeffrey Steenson

October 27, 2017 | 2 Comments

Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson, who served as the first head of the Anglican Ordinariate in the United States, joined us to explain how he always felt a call to ministry in

“In that moment, I felt like I had found my spiritual home.” – Kenneth Parker

October 12, 2017 | 2 Comments

Kenneth Parker, who teaches Newman Studies at Duquesne University, shares how his quest to understand the meaning of the Reformation led him to discover that many of the things he’d

“I began to sense that the Lord was really there in the Eucharist.” – Brother Maron

September 27, 2017 | One Comment

Both of Brother Maron’s parents joined the Episcopalian Church when he was growing up, but they didn’t stay in it for long. As he became a young adult himself, he

“In one moment, it all came back to me… and it all made sense.” – Mike Aquilina

By Mike Aquilina
September 06, 2017 | One Comment

Bestselling Catholic author Mike Aquilina remembers that in his elementary school years, religion class was something to be taken seriously. However, shortly after his Confirmation, changes took place in the

“The whole world became an experience of God’s grace for me.” – Emily Stimpson Chapman

By Emily Stimpson Chapman
May 26, 2017 | No Comments

Emily Stimpson Chapman grew up Catholic, but didn’t experience a personal encounter with Christ until meeting an Evangelical friend in college.  Asking questions about the role of Scripture in Christianity

“You have to love the whole Christ. Not just Jesus, the head, but His body, the Church.” – Michael Lofton

By Michael Lofton
May 12, 2017 | No Comments

Michael spent a good portion of his childhood in Israel, and his mother was a convert to Judaism. Growing up in the Holy Land, he was surrounded by the places

“Once you experience the Church from the inside, your views about it begin to change.”

By Joe Copeck
May 05, 2017 | 2 Comments

Joe Copeck grew up as a “Christmas and Easter” Catholic, but found a more fulfilling relationship with Jesus in the Lutheran Church, eventually becoming an ordained minister.  Discovering the importance

“Jesus Christ’s grace is bigger than anything that you’re going to bring to the table.” -Brother Martin Davis, O.P.

By Brother Martin Davis
April 28, 2017 | No Comments

In high school, Brother Martin Davis started to become restless, hopping from church to church to find which denomination might be the one that had the market cornered on truth.  A

“My son saw me reading the Bible, and asked me, ‘Dad, are we Christian?'”

By David Gregory
April 21, 2017 | One Comment

“My son saw what I was doing, I had the Bible out, and said ‘Dad, are we Christian?’ And I was accused, indicted, tried, found guilty, and sentenced in one second.”

“These people knew they were part of one worshipping community, even though they’d never met each other before.”

By Br. Thomas Martin, O.P.
April 13, 2017 | No Comments

Brother Thomas Martin grew up Lutheran, and developed an appreciation for St. Augustine in his teenage years.  One Summer while at Philmont Scout Ranch, he found himself profoundly impacted by

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