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Stop Evangelizing Me!

Kevin Lowry |
Articles | One Comment

As a kid, it always bugged me when someone was a little too sure about the state of their eternal salvation – and mine.

I heard things like, “You haven’t prayed in tongues yet? Be careful when you cross the street…” or “All you need to do is say a little prayer in your heart, and you’re saved!” One way was too hard, another too easy – and there were countless iterations in between. It didn’t make sense.

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Conversion – Event or Process?

Kevin Lowry |
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by Kevin Lowry. As a child, I bounced around several Christian denominations, but made a conscious decision to live for Christ during my pre-teen years. In fact, I did this a few times, as there were countless opportunities to do so. In my travels, there were frequent altar calls and other invitations to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. In all sincerity, I made that choice in my heart…

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In Christ and Still Abiding?

Marcus Grodi |
Articles, Marcus Grodi | 2 Comments

The reason we must evangelize with both creative yet charitable strategies is because of the biblical concepts of being “in Christ” and “abiding in Christ.”

IN CHRIST: Our Lord told his disciples that, after his death and resurrection, “In that day you will know that I am in the Father, you in me and I in you” (Jn 14:20).

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The Separated Children Explained

Marcus Grodi |
Articles, Marcus Grodi | 7 Comments

Last week I posted The Separated Children, and have received many fine kind and challenging comments, all confirming my assumption that I would need to follow up with some further explanation. I do this with a bit of trepidation, because, as I press this button to post, I fully realize that I will probably draw even more heated critiques, but I do so precisely because I want your feedback.

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NEW: Clement of Rome & the Didache by Kenneth J. Howell, Ph.D.

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Clement of Rome & the Didache: A New Translation and Theological Commentary by CHN resident linguist Kenneth Howell Ph.D. now available at CHResources. The Letter to the Corinthians by Clement of Rome and the Didache are two of the most important documents from the earliest days of Christianity, revealing the way in which Christians were implementing and living out the Faith taught by Jesus and passed on by the Twelve Apostles.

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The Past to God’s Mercy, the Present to His Love, and the Future to His Providence

Kenneth J. Howell Ph.D. |
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In my 16 years as a Catholic, I have come to understand these words with an increasing appreciation of their wisdom and truth. Often wise priests console their penitents in the confessional to commit the past to God’s mercy, knowing that we cannot change what has already taken place. When we muse over our past sins or failures, such wise confessors encourage us to let go of our past and place it into the merciful hands of God.

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