Bringing Your Children into the Church With You – David Currie

June 16, 2023 | No Comments

When David Currie, a Baptist, felt God calling him to become Catholic, his situation was complicated by the fact that he had a family, including kids of various ages. He

Preaching John 6 as a Protestant – Dean Waldt

June 09, 2023 | No Comments

As a Presbyterian minister, Dean Waldt was committed to teaching the Scriptures. But when leading an adult Sunday school class on John 6, Dean came to a crossroads; it seemed

Is God *Really* Love? – Sam Guzman

June 02, 2023 | No Comments

In the strain of Calvinism that Sam Guzman grew up in, you were elect or you weren’t — meaning, you were chosen by God for eternal salvation by a pure

Renewing vs. Repeating Your Baptism – Rachel Bulman

May 26, 2023 | No Comments

Growing up in various denominational experiences, Rachel Bulman was baptized a few different times, using a few different methods, and was never quite sure exactly what was meant by it

Catholics, Mormons, and The Great Apostasy

May 19, 2023 | No Comments

Many groups, including the Latter Day Saints, believe that Jesus brought true faith to the earth, but it died out or was utterly corrupted after the death of His last

Motherhood, Mary and the Church – Fr. Michael Rennier

May 12, 2023 | No Comments

Growing up Pentecostal, some of the Catholic concepts about Mary and the Church were difficult for Fr. Michael Rennier to wrap his mind around. But as he explains, some of

Catholic Ideas at a Protestant Seminary – Dr. Jason Reed

May 05, 2023 | No Comments

When Dr. Jason Reed was teaching philosophy and theology at an Evangelical seminary, he wanted to dive deep into questions of virtue, and the full implications of the incarnation so

What Is a Catholic Deacon? – Deacon Larry Oney

May 01, 2023 | No Comments

Deacon Larry Oney has several brothers who are heavily involved in their congregations, and some who are even deacons in their denominations. He shares the unique role of a Catholic

Dedicating Babies vs Baptizing Babies – Rebecca Carter

April 14, 2023 | No Comments

As an Evangelical, Becky Carter was part of a congregation where they encouraged members to have their babies dedicated — a ceremony where parents promised to raise their children in

A Hindu Encounters the Risen Jesus – Srishti Gupta

April 05, 2023 | No Comments

Srishti Gupta was raised Hindu, but was an atheist by the time she started college in the United States. She’d heard Christian friends talk about Jesus “coming back,” but always

Seeking Christian Unity – MaryJo Burchard

March 24, 2023 | No Comments

From her time as a pastor’s kid, through her experience as an overseas missionary, to the time she and her husband spent in ministry during his time as a Pentecostal

A Baptist Discovers the Mass – Melissa Slagle

March 10, 2023 | No Comments

As a Baptist, Melissa Slagle often went to Church hoping to hear a solid teaching or come away with a feeling of spiritual renewal. But for her, she didn’t necessarily

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