A Brief History of the Church in England Before the Reformation – Deacon Dwight Longenecker

By Dwight Longenecker
June 10, 2016 | No Comments

Before he was ordained a Catholic priest through the Church’s pastoral provision, Deacon Dwight Longenecker gave a presentation to the 2006 Deep in History conference on the history of Catholicism

Church Authority and the Holy Trinity – Msgr Frank Lane

By Msgr Frank Lane
May 22, 2016 | No Comments

In this Deep in History lecture from 2009, Msgr. Frank Lane discusses the mystery of the Trinity, and why the authority of the Church is necessary for preserving our understanding

Roots of the Continental Reformation – Marcus Grodi

By Marcus Grodi
May 10, 2016 | No Comments

In this installment of Deep in History, Marcus Grodi looks at the series of events and ideas that made the 16th century ripe for a massive split in European Christianity.

Catholic Response to the Reformation – Bishop Frederick Campbell

By Bishop Frederick Campbell, PhD
April 22, 2016 | No Comments

Bishop Frederick Campbell (PhD in history from The Ohio State University) discusses the Catholic response to the corruption in the Catholic Church as it emerged from the Middle Ages. Bishop Campbell particularly

Calvin and the Radical Reformation – Dr. Kenneth Howell

By Dr. Kenneth Howell
April 05, 2016 | No Comments

Dr. Kenneth Howell, former Presbyterian pastor, university professor, and author, gives an understanding of John Calvin and the part he played in the Reformation. Calvin, who may have been more

Martin Luther – Dr. Paul Thigpen

By Dr. Paul Thigpen
March 16, 2016 | No Comments

Dr. Paul Thigpen, author, Church historian, and former Evangelical minister, describes the monumental figure Martin Luther as “a figure of great complexity and contradiction.” In this 2005 Deep in History

The Forerunners of the Reformation – Dr. Scott Hahn

By Dr. Scott Hahn
March 01, 2016 | 3 Comments

Dr. Scott Hahn, a former Presbyterian pastor and theologian who became Catholic, discusses some of the intellectual and cultural ideologies, as well as the historical personalities, that were prominent in

The Early Church and Our Faith Today – Msgr. Frank Lane

By Msgr. Frank Lane
November 03, 2015 | 2 Comments

Msgr. Frank Lane uses early Christian documents and historical context to understand how the first Christians interpreted Scripture. “If in fact Jesus Christ was truly human and truly divine, and

How Are We Saved? – Marcus Grodi

April 22, 2015 | One Comment

Former Presbyterian pastor Marcus Grodi delves deep into Old Testament Judaism and the fulfillment of Salvation in Christ Jesus to answer the question “How are we saved?” Click Here to

Classic Converts and the Early Church – Fr. Charles P. Connor

March 05, 2015 | No Comments

Fr. Charles Connor discusses the impact that the example of early Christians and their writings had on famous converts to Catholicism throughout the ages. Click Here to purchase this talk

Discovering the Fullness – Rosalind Moss

By Rosalind Moss
February 17, 2015 | 2 Comments

Raised Jewish, Rosalind Moss came to know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and later became an Evangelical minister. She was challenged to examine the history and teachings of

Papal Authority and the Early Church – Fr. Ray Ryland

By Fr. Ray Ryland
February 03, 2015 | 2 Comments

Fr. Ray Ryland demonstrates that God’s Revelation necessitates authoritative interpretation. He investigates, through Scripture and Early Church documents, the continuous acceptance of the authority of the pope. Click Here to

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