2015 was the most spectacular year of my life. Something inside of me came alive. Things I never thought I would have time for as a working single mom, things
Michelle Paine was full of questions about the meaning of life from a young age- she wanted to know where the Bible came from, who Jesus was, and how everything
Whether you’ve been the one going door-to-door or the one whose doorbell has rung, many of us have at least some experience of this highly polarizing form of faith sharing that
I was 51 years old, married for 15 years and without children, living on five acres in the woods of Southern Oregon, at the time of Pope John Paul II’s
There was never a time in my life when I didn’t want to know God. My earliest memories are of a loving, Christian home involved in a church where we
In a world where your feelings toward your spouse, your car, your job, and your favorite food can all be described with the word “love,” what are we supposed to
***The Devil tried to stop us, but this episode was just TOO GOOD not to share! (The first several minutes of this program contain some technical difficulties, but it is worth pushing through.
I was raised in a Christian home, the youngest of four children. My dad was, and still is, a minister of a Bible church. He and my mother, both raised
Erma Bombeck once said of those born on Christmas day, “There are 364 other days to choose from, but you were chosen to enter the world on a day when
Kris Sarver was raised Catholic, but after asking complicated questions about Hell as a child, she figured that Catholicism, and religion in general, were for simpletons and the uneducated. She
Lisa was born in California, baptized Catholic, but raised in Pentecostalism, and travelled through a dark time before finding a Savior again. The Holy Spirit began to speak to her
“I know that love is the meaning of life. I know that serving others and kindness — which I see so many of my atheist friends doing — I know