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The Corpus & the Cross: My Conversion to the Catholic Faith

Jackford Kolk |
Calvinist, Christian Reformed, Conversion Stories, Presbyterian & Reformed | 2 Comments

Over the next few years of talking to [my friend] about what he was studying, I slowly began to understand the TULIP doctrines and I realized that I didn’t actually agree with any of them. As a good Protestant, I knew that I could question every tenet of the faith that I had been brought up in and still be a good Christian, so as I gradually began to doubt Calvinism, I never questioned my relationship with God, nor His love for me.

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Hope that the World Cannot Give

John Nahrgang |
Agnostic, Atheist/Agnostic, Conversion Stories | No Comments

Even as a sophomore I knew that I wanted to attend Notre Dame. Its Catholic identity wasn’t really a factor at all; its academic reputation, quality of student life (as reported by Princeton Review), and the memories of my first visit there drove my decision. I didn’t know what to make of Catholicism at all. One of the essays on the Notre Dame application dealt with a “spiritual topic” of our choosing. I chose to write about my impressions of Siddhartha by Herman Hesse.

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