It’s been another roller coaster ride of a year, and we’ve been blessed yet again to share so many wonderful stories from those who have found a home in the Catholic Church. We published a number of wonderful testimonies, but the following were the ten most popular among our readers over the past year:
10. When Fairness to the Church Leads You Home – Chris Kellam
“It was 2018, and I was catching up on life with a college friend. For a brief time after graduation, we had both been youth ministers at separate churches in Jacksonville, Florida—he at an Episcopal Church, I at a Presbyterian one. After a few minutes of casual conversation, he hit me with a bomb: ‘Well Kellam… I’m on the road to Rome.’ I was taken aback. What was he talking about? Didn’t he know that Catholics become Protestants, not the other way around?” Read Chris’s story.
9. Into the Half-Way House – Fr. Michael Rennier
“I have learned to rest in the truth that the Church teaches. I do not make my own salvation through knowledge or emotional experiences, through following this teacher or that. Whether I realize it or not, God is doing a great work in me. It was begun at the Cross, is sustained by the Holy Spirit, and will be completed at the final judgment.” Read Fr. Rennier’s story.
8. Kyrie Eleison, Lord Have Mercy – Deacon Dale Pollard
“One final issue that we could not resolve was the issue of authority. With so many opinions about Holy Scripture, what or whom were we to trust, and why should we trust them? I resigned my position, which for a career pastor can be devastating, with the loss of income, an uncertain future, the disappearance of community and friends, and vanishing support networks.” Read Deacon Pollard’s story.
7. “L” is for Love – Kenny Burchard
“As I drove away from Mass the second week in a row, I had two thoughts. First, ‘I need to become Catholic!’ But second, ‘Oh no! Oh God! How can I become Catholic?! I don’t believe in Catholicism!'” Read Kenny’s story.
6. The CHNetwork Family Remembers Al Kresta
Al Kresta, founder of Ave Maria Radio and host of Kresta in the Afternoon, passed away from cancer earlier this year. The Coming Home Network family remembers him in a special way; like so many of our members, Al was an Evangelical pastor who came home to the Catholic Church, and was able to use his gifts in a way that impacted countless lives. He appeared multiple times on The Journey Home to share his story, and we are incredibly grateful for his life and witness. Read our tribute to Al.
5. Finding Life in the Catholic Church – Dr. Matthew Harrison
Dr. Matthew Harrison grew up Calvinist, but his strong pro-life convictions led him to use his medical expertise to develop a way to reverse early effects of the abortion pill. His work for the sanctity of life put in him touch with several Catholics, and he even ended up being invited as an “objective” outsider to investigate a possible Eucharistic miracle. He shares the fascinating journey that culminated in his joyful entry into the Catholic Church. Read Dr. Harrison’s story.
4. I Will Draw All People to Myself – Fr. Jerry Brown
“After graduating from high school in 1963, I joined a group of 20 graduates on a study tour of Europe. I was anxious to learn as much as I could on the trip, and a highlight of the experience was that we happened to be in Rome for the coronation of Pope Paul VI. I gloried in the many churches we visited and decided that, when I got home in September, I would become Catholic. However, my father didn’t approve.” Read Fr. Brown’s story.
3. Chesterton COVID, and the Catholic Church – Lee Sondeno
“After playing guitar in front of a crowd of nearly 10,000 people during an Evangelical missions crusade in March of 2019 at the Palacio de los Deportes in the heart of Mexico City, it’s unfathomable that, almost exactly one year later, in March of 2020, a global pandemic and its resulting shutdown orders would act as the catalyst that would eventually lead my family and me to the fullness of the Christian faith in the Catholic Church.” Read Lee’s story.
2. A Baptist Convert on the Path to Sainthood – Br. Joseph Dutton
He was a Civil War veteran, a Baptist convert to Catholicism, and a coworker with St. Damien de Veuster in his mission to the lepers of Hawaii. And in January of this year, he came one step closer to being recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church. How much do you know about Brother Joseph Dutton? Read the article.
1. Letters from Home – Lucas Koach
“When I was ready to come into full communion with the Catholic Church, I knew it would be a good exercise to put on paper what I was doing and why—a letter to send to friends, family, former parishioners, and a few others… I had so much to say! Just about all my letter recipients were non-Catholics and I received a lot of responses… I hope you enjoy the read.” Read Lucas’s letter.
2024 was a year of great stories, and this list only scratches the surface. To view our full archive of written stories from the past year and beyond, visit chnetwork.org/story.
Read the Top 10 articles and stories from previous years: 2023 – 2022 – 2021
And if you’re interested in submitting your own written testimony for us to review and see if it’s a fit for our readership, please let us know! You can find our written story submission guidelines here.