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Chesterton, COVID, and the Catholic Church

After playing guitar in front of a crowd of nearly 10,000 people during an Evangelical missions crusade in March of 2019 at the Palacio de los Deportes in the heart of Mexico City, it’s unfathomable that, almost exactly one year later, in March of 2020, a global pandemic and its resulting shutdown orders would act as the catalyst that would eventually lead my family and me to the fullness of the Christian faith in the Catholic Church. You might consider us “COVID converts.” Looking back on all that led to us leaving our deep-rooted Pentecostal heritage for something we knew absolutely nothing about can only be described as a gift— an outpouring of grace during one of the most troubling and isolating years most of us will ever experience. During the pandemic, people were scared and living in hopelessness; yet God was at work within our lives.

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A Bible-Believer Becomes Catholic by Believing the Bible

Wesley Vincent Ph.D. |
Baptist, Conversion Stories, Evangelical, Fundamentalist | 86 Comments

“Living with many mutually contradictory doctrines made understanding the faith similar to trying to complete a complex puzzle from a combination of different jigsaw puzzles stirred together.” Evangelical Wesley Vincent noticed that every pastor who preached the Bible seemed to have a different understanding of what it meant to be a follower of Christ.

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From Cradle Mormon to Joyful Catholic: My Journey to the Eucharist

JoAnne | Conversion Stories, Mormon | 61 Comments

In the Mormon faith, God was presented to JoAnn “not as the mysterious, ineffable source of all creation, but simply as an evolved human being who meted out salvation much like an insurance agent issues a policy: with little passion and lots of contingencies.” Now, her soul “is at peace and I rest secure knowing that the Lord’s unfathomable grace and mercy are gifts to be received with deep thanks, not to be earned in anxiety.”

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How (Not) to Become Catholic

Jim Tonkowich |
Conversion Stories | 4 Comments

How (Not) to Become Catholic is an insightful look at how a Presbyterian pastor was led to the fullness of truth in the Catholic Church, but from the perspective of what Protestants should not do so as to avoid becoming Catholic such as “Avoid Being ‘Deep in History'” and “Do Not Read the Church Fathers.” A profound and interesting perspective at conversion. Download your free copy today!

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A Deeper Look at Our Conversion Stories

Marcus and Marilyn Grodi |
Conversion Stories, Lutheran, Presbyterian & Reformed | 19 Comments

Becoming Catholic was never my dream or intent. It is still an all too vivid memory to me, sitting alone at age 40 in a half-lit basement, having resigned from the pastorate. I ached for having abandoned the weekly privilege of a pulpit from which to proclaim God’s truth. Would I ever have this privilege again? Will I ever again have a pulpit? Now they estimate that each week from the “pulpit” of The Journey Home television program I speak to a potential audience of over a billion viewers and listeners. In one night I speak to more people than I ever could have in my entire career as a Protestant minister. This is the humor of our merciful God. Before I converted I had no idea whatsoever how I would support my family let alone how I would continue in ministry. But this is getting way ahead of myself.

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Full Communion

Fr. Donald Flumerfelt |
Anglican & Episcopalian, Conversion Stories | 4 Comments

In my youth, my whole family was actively involved in many aspects of the United Church of Canada in Calgary, Alberta and in Montreal, Quebec. They were good and creative years. My call to ministry came while serving as a counselor for a church camp outside Montreal. One beautiful summer morning, the sun was dancing off the water and a gentle breeze was blowing.

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The Words of Eternal Life

Louise Winant |
Conversion Stories, Evangelical, Reverts to the Catholic Faith | One Comment

After leaving the Catholic Church and attending evangelical denominations, Louise Winant sought the truth of Christ and decided to reconcile with the church of her youth. Even after returning, there was one teaching of the Catholic Church — the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist — that Louise could not get over, until Jesus touched her heart.

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