“We all went to Oxford as Episcopalians, and we left as Catholics.”

By Br. Bonaventure Chapman, O.P.
April 06, 2017 | 3 Comments

Brother Bonaventure Chapman”s background was in a number of denominations: Presbyterian, Church of Christ, Lutheran.  It was when he went to Oxford, England, to study for Anglican ministry, that all

“The Lord really wanted to show me that He was a perfect Father.”

By Hall Miller
March 30, 2017 | One Comment

As a young adult, Hall Miller left the Catholic faith of his youth in favor of Eastern spiritualities.  But when his life began to fall apart, he found their proposed

“I remember going online and literally typing in ‘Church with day care.'”

By Matthew Kilmurry
March 16, 2017 | No Comments

As a young parent, Matthew Kilmurry wanted to make being part of a church a priority in his family, but didn’t feel connected to the Catholic faith of his youth.

“If I were a character in the Gospels listening to Jesus, how would it change me?”

By Br. John Paul, O.P.
March 09, 2017 | No Comments

Former Lutheran Br. John Paul, in formation at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC, talks about how his desire to live the Gospel in a radical and authentic

“There’s so much fullness here- what have we been missing out on?” – Neesha and David Oliver

By Neesha and David Oliver
March 02, 2017 | No Comments

The Olivers, who met in Bible college and worked in ministry in the Church of the Nazarene, talk about how they came to understand that the doctrines of the Catholic Church

“A lot of the gifts I had serving as a pastor have been even more powerfully utilized here.”

By Billy Kangas
February 23, 2017 | 2 Comments

Billy Kangas, co-founder of Cultivate Coffee and Tap House in Ypsilanti, MI, shares how exploring the life and authority structure of early Christianity helped him become open to the beauty

“What does it mean to be a human being?” – Morgan Holliger

February 16, 2017 | No Comments

Morgan Holliger, a student at the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family, explains how the Church’s teaching on the dignity and meaning of the human person led her

“I don’t think I’d be a priest if I hadn’t gone to a Methodist college.” – Fr. Michael Gossett

February 09, 2017 | No Comments

Fr. Michael Gossett of the Diocese of Steubenville talks about his personal journey of faith- and how being challenged to explain his beliefs helped him to gain a better understanding

“These weren’t the Catholics I grew up with. They loved Jesus more than I did.” – Rob Corzine

By Rob Corzine
August 23, 2016 | One Comment

Rob Corzine was a semi-observant Baptist, and when he started dating a Catholic girl, he thought she would go along peacefully with his nominal Christianity. As it turned out, not

“What did I find in the Catholic Church? Sheer beauty.” – Deacon George Butterfield

By Deacon George Butterfield
June 10, 2016 | One Comment

Deacon George was a zealous young Christian, who was first drawn to the Catholic Church through her social teachings.  Having come from an anti-Catholic background, he had to overcome some

“When Protestants and Catholics get closer to Christ, they get closer to each other.” – Jay Richards

June 02, 2016 | No Comments

Jay Richards first remembers developing a personal relationship with Jesus in Church camps as a teenager. It wasn’t until his 40’s that he realized he could continue to deepen that

“It’s everything I experienced as a Protestant, but more- so much more.” – Kurt Hoover

May 19, 2016 | No Comments

Kurt Hoover accepted Jesus at age four, and was raised in a strong Christian family.  When he was 16, he experienced Catholic Mass for the first time, and was captivated.

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