From Atheist to Deacon – Deacon Joe Calvert

November 20, 2020 | No Comments

Growing up in Kentucky, Deacon Joe Calvert had experience of Baptist, Methodist, and Christian Science congregations, but by the time he got to college, he was pretty sure none of

The Ancient Church is Alive Today – Dr. Bud Marr

September 04, 2020 | No Comments

Dr. Bud Marr was raised with a strong faith in Jesus as an Evangelical Protestant. As he grew older, his desire to anchor that faith more deeply led him to

God and Narnia – Andrew Petiprin

August 28, 2020 | No Comments

Andrew Petiprin was captivated by the Chronicles of Narnia as a child, and it gave his faith a sense of wonder and a reverence for beauty and mystery. Later, he

Following Jesus All the Way – Sarah Christmyer

August 14, 2020 | No Comments

Sarah Christmyer came from a family of pastors, missionaries, and ministers of all kinds. When she married a Catholic who wasn’t practicing his faith, everything went well for a while

A Pentecostal Missionary Kid Becomes a Catholic Priest – Fr. Scott Borgman

May 01, 2020 | No Comments

Fr. Scott Borgman grew up in West Africa as the son of Pentecostal missionaries who made it a point to teach him the importance of Scripture and a relationship with

Jehovah’s Witness to Catholic – Cary Dabney

February 28, 2020 | No Comments

Cary Dabney grew up a Jehovah’s Witness, but when a childhood friend of his died, he started asking questions about the theology of the organization. When he decided to enter

Ancient Wisdom, Ancient Faith – Fr. Sebastian White, O.P.

May 10, 2019 | No Comments

Baptized Catholic but raised Evangelical Free and Assemblies of God, Fr. Sebastian White was always looking for a place to grow his relationship with Jesus. But a major shift in

“I needed to come back home.” – Dr. Ray Guarendi

March 22, 2019 | No Comments

Dr. Ray Guarendi was raised Catholic, but there was a lot he never learned, or if he did learn it, it didn’t sink in. For a number of years, he

An Atheist Goes to the Adoration Chapel – John Knutsen

February 22, 2019 | No Comments

Though raised Catholic, John Knutsen didn’t really believe in God, and when his brother died of AIDS, he decided he was done with religion forever. A few years later, during

Finding the Real Jesus – Al Kresta

February 08, 2019 | No Comments

Though baptized Catholic, Al Kresta was far more interested in drugs and music during his teenage years. After a disturbing LSD trip that awakened a spiritual hunger in him, Al

“I realized there were certain Bible verses I could no longer preach around.” – Fr. Ed Meeks

January 25, 2019 | No Comments

Fr. Edward Meeks was raised Catholic, and even went to seminary, but in the confusion going on in the Church in the 1960’s and 70’s, he ended up leaving to

“I was an atheist, plain and simple.” – Nathaniel Hurd

October 26, 2018 | No Comments

Nathaniel Hurd didn’t believe in God as a young man, but it wasn’t necessarily because he was hostile to faith; he just didn’t take the idea seriously. Later on, he

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