Ken Hensley: Former American Baptist Minister

By Ken Hensley
March 27, 1998 | No Comments

Ken was not brought up in a Christian home. Through the witness of a friend he gave his life to Christ. After bible college & seminary he was ordained a

Peter & Regina Cram: Former Episcopalians

By Peter & Regina Cram
March 20, 1998 | No Comments

Peter was brought up Presbyterian & Congregationalist. Regina, on the other hand, was reared in a Catholic family but left the Church at 14 when she was “saved”. After they

Dr. John Haas: Former Episcopal Priest

By John Haas
March 13, 1998 | No Comments

John was baptized Presbyterian and brought up a Lutheran. In college, while seeking the Catholic faith, he entered the Episcopal communion. Ordained an Episcopal priest, the lack of an authoritative

Open-Line With Colin Donovan: Life-long Catholic

By Colin Donovan
March 06, 1998 | No Comments

Marcus and Colin answer open line questions. Colin is Vice President for Theology at EWTN. He has a Licentiate in Sacred Theology, with a specialization in moral theology, from the

Dr. William Marshner: Former Lutheran

By William Marshner
February 20, 1998 | No Comments

Born in Baltimore, Dr. Marshner was raised in the Lutheran Church. He pursued his undergraduate studies at Gettysburg College as a pre-ministerial student. An interest in Old Testament exegesis led

Patrick Madrid: Life-long Catholic Apologist

By Patrick Madrid
February 06, 1998 | One Comment

Pat was reared in a faithful Catholic family. He always had an intellectual commitment to the faith but it wasn’t until he was a young adult that he had a

Kimberly Hahn: Former Presbyterian

By Kimberly Hahn
January 30, 1998 | No Comments

In this episode Marcus and Kimberly discuss contraception. Kimberly was brought up in Cincinnati, in a loving Evangelical Presbyterian family. Her father was the pastor of a popular Presbyterian congregation.

Paul Key: Former Presbyterian Minister

By Paul Key
January 23, 1998 | No Comments

As a young man Paul felt a call to minister to Christ’s people. He thoroughly enjoyed being a pastor for 18 years. As he read the Bible he discovered more

Paul Thigpen: Former Pentecostal & Methodist Minister

By Paul Thigpen
January 16, 1998 | No Comments

Paul was brought up Presbyterian but at the age of 12 became an atheist. As a senior in high school he was brought back to Christ through a frightening experience

Kevin Lowry: Former Presbyterian

By Kevin Lowry
January 09, 1998 | No Comments

Kevin grew up in a small town near Toronto, Canada, the son of a Presbyterian minister. He graduated from high school when he was sixteen. Full of exuberance and self-confidence, he believed

Karl Keating: Life-long Catholic & Apologist

By Karl Keating
January 02, 1998 | One Comment

Leaving Mass one Sunday in 1979, Karl found anti-Catholic tracts on the windshields of the cars in the church parking lot. In response wrote a tract in defense of the

Mark Shea: Former Non-denominational Evangelical

By Mark Shea
December 19, 1997 | No Comments

Mark says he is a double-jump convert. Having been reared, more or less, as an agnostic pagan, he became a Non-denominational Evangelical in 1979, and entered the Catholic Church in

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