Dr. Benjamin Alexander: Former Episcopalian

By Benjamin Alexander
February 25, 2000 | No Comments

Dr. Alexander was a dedicated young Episcopalian. In 1965, at a Young Life camp he turned his heart to Christ. He was fed and nourished by Anglican spirituality. He became

Brian Benoit: Former Baptist Minister

By Brian Benoit
February 18, 2000 | No Comments

Brian was a product of a mixed marriage. His father was Catholic and his mother was a Protestant. As a child he attended a Baptist church. In college he drifted

John Johnson: Former American Baptist Minister

By John Johnson
February 11, 2000 | No Comments

John was reared in a Methodist home. In college, a professor invited him to a Baptist retreat were he met Christ. About the same time he felt a call to

Open-Line With Thomas Smith: Former Mormon

By Thomas Smith
February 04, 2000 | No Comments

Marcus and Tom answer open-line questions together from the audience. Tom grew up in Idaho. He was a seventh generation Mormon. As a Mormon missionary for two years, in Alabama,

Dr Paul & Patti Sullins: Former Episcopalians

By Paul & Patti Sullins
January 21, 2000 | No Comments

Paul was raised in a devout, conservative, evangelical Baptist home. When he was four years old his mother led him to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Patti was

David Moss: Jewish Convert

By David Moss
January 14, 2000 | No Comments

David grew up in a Conservative Jewish family in the Bronx. By the age of 15 he had lost his faith. He became involved in the left wing politics of

Dr. Susan Treacy: Former Episcopalian

By Susan Treacy
December 17, 1999 | No Comments

Susan discusses spreading the Gospel through art with Marcus. Susan was baptized at the age of five in a Presbyterian church. Soon after the family moved to another town where

Dr. Paul & Leisa Thigpen: Former Methodists & Pentecostals

By Paul & Leisa Thigpen
December 10, 1999 | No Comments

Paul was brought up Presbyterian but at the age of 12 became an atheist. As a senior in high school he was brought back to Christ through a frightening experience

Rick Cross: Life-long Catholic

By Rick Cross
December 03, 1999 | No Comments

On this open-line episode Marcus and Rick answer questions from the Journey Home audience. Rick is a life-long Catholic, educational researcher and psychologist. He and Marcus discuss problems of modernist

Lovelace Howard: Former Episcopalian

By Lovelace Howard
November 19, 1999 | No Comments

Lovelace was reared in an evangelical Protestant home in Alabama. As a young woman she served for five years as a missionary in Japan. She married Thomas Howard in 1965

Steve Clifford: Former Mormon

By Steve Clifford
November 12, 1999 | 3 Comments

Steve was born and raised in Utah in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons). His ancestors had been Mormons since 1832. At the age of 18,

Open-Line With Rosalind Moss: Jewish Convert

By Rosalind Moss
November 05, 1999 | No Comments

Marcus and Rosalind answer open-line questions from the audience. Rosalind was reared in a Jewish home in Brooklyn. At a young age she became an agnostic. In the mid-70’s, through

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