Fr. Richard Ho Lung, M.O.P. : Former Buddhist

By Fr. Richard Ho Lung
June 16, 2000 | No Comments

Father Ho Lung’s family came to Jamaica, from China, in the 1930s where they struggled to survive operating a small shop. He was taught by the Franciscan sisters. Their Franciscan

Bob Fishman: Jewish Convert

By Bob Fishman
June 09, 2000 | No Comments

Marcus and Bob discuss the Jewish roots of the Catholic faith. Bob was brought up in a largely non-practicing Jewish family. He was allowed to study any religion or philosophy

Rick Riccardi: Former Assemblies of God Minister

By Rick Riccardi
June 02, 2000 | No Comments

Marcus and Rick answer questions from the viewers of the Journey Home. Rick was raised Catholic but left, believing that he had had escaped, he believed, from a Church that

Jeff Cavins: Former Non-denominational Minister

By Jeff Cavins
May 26, 2000 | No Comments

Jeff was raised in a good loving Catholic home. When he was 18, his girlfriend led him to a personal relationship with Christ. After high school, he had an argument

Kirk Kramer: Former Disciple of Christ

By Kirk Kramer
May 19, 2000 | No Comments

Kirk grew up in a little town in southwest Missouri, in an active and committed Disciple of Christ family. When he was in the 8th grade, he saw the movie

Fr. Larry Blake: Former Lutheran Minister

By Fr. Larry Blake
May 12, 2000 | No Comments

Father Larry was a life-long Lutheran. As a teen he was involved in Bible studies and youth organizations. By the time he was in the 10th grade, he was telling

Open-Line With Dr. John Haas: Former Episcopal Priest

By John Haas
May 05, 2000 | No Comments

Marcus and John answer open-line questions from the audience. John was baptized Presbyterian and brought up a Lutheran. In college, while seeking the Catholic faith, he entered the Episcopal communion.

Steven W. Mosher: Former Secular Humanist

By Steven W. Mosher
April 28, 2000 | No Comments

Steven, as a boy, was a Lutheran but lost his faith in college. For the next 20 years he was a secular humanist and an atheist. While in the Far

Dr. Scott Hahn: Is the Bible alone sufficient?

By Scott Hahn
April 14, 2000 | No Comments

Scott gave his life to Christ in high school. He soon became a convinced Calvinist. In seminary some thought he out-calvined Calvin. While teaching a Bible class, as a minister,

Larry & Joetta Lewis: Former United Methodists

By Larry & Joetta Lewis
April 07, 2000 | No Comments

Marcus, Larry & Joetta answer open-line questions from the Journey Home audience. Larry and Joetta were active in ministry in the United Methodist church for many years. Larry met a

Gloria Thomas: Former Baptist

By Gloria Thomas
March 31, 2000 | No Comments

Gloria was brought in the Baptist church in Kentucky. In college she lost her faith, because she had no foundation to defend the faith. After several years, the misery of

Dr. Eduardo Echeverria: Revert from Calvinism & Anglicanism

By Eduardo Echeverria
March 17, 2000 | No Comments

Eduardo was born in Mexico but his family moved to New York when he was little. He was baptized and catechized a Catholic but he never thought the Church was

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