David Reynolds: Former Lutheran

By David Reynolds
September 11, 2000 | No Comments

David was born and raised on Long Island in a devoted Baptist family. As a teen he did a summer mission trip to Africa. Later he went through a rebellious

Fr. John T. Zuhlsdorf: Former Lutheran

By Fr. John T. Zuhlsdorf
August 25, 2000 | No Comments

Father Zuhlsdorf was raised in a nominal Lutheran family. When he was seven his grandmother gave him two albums, one of classical music and another of Shakespeare’s plays. About the

Mother Angelica: Life-long Catholic

By Mother Angelica
August 23, 2000 | No Comments

Mother Angelica was born Rita Antoinette Rizzo, in 1923, in Canton, Ohio. In 1944, she joined the contemplative order of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration. After a severe back

Bill & Lisanne Bales: Former Presbyterians

By Bill & Lisanne Bales
August 18, 2000 | No Comments

Lisanne was a dyed in the wool pagan for the first 20 years of her life. Bill was brought up in the Presbyterian Church but no relationship with Christ. He

Open-Line With Dr. Eduardo Echeverria: Revert from Calvinism & Anglicanism

By Eduardo Echeverria
August 04, 2000 | No Comments

Marcus and Eduardo answer open-line questions from the audience.

Lee South: Former Episcopalian

By Lee South
July 28, 2000 | No Comments

A loving Presbyterian couple, in California, adopted Lee and her twin sister. As a little girl he went to a Dominican school and was given a love for the Catholic

Jimmy Akin: Former Presbyterian

By Jimmy Akin
July 21, 2000 | One Comment

James (these days he’s goes by Jimmy) was born in south Texas and grew up in the Ozarks in Arkansas. When he was little he parents attended the Church of

Dale Sibley: Former Methodist

By Dale Sibley
July 14, 2000 | No Comments

Dale was baptized a Presbyterian as an infant but her parents didn’t attended church often. When her father became ill, when she was 12, some friends took to the Episcopal

David Utsler: Former Charismatic Episcopal Priest

By David Utsler
June 30, 2000 | No Comments

David wasn’t raised in a Christian home. He knew what the Gospel was through the witness of his grandmother. In his senior year in high school he had a radical

Curtis & Michaelann Martin: Reverts from Evangelicalism

By Curtis & Michaelann Martin
June 23, 2000 | No Comments

Curtis and Michaelann were both brought up in devoted Catholic families. He experienced all the rites of passage as other Catholic children, but they didn’t touch their hearts. Michaelann became

Fr. Richard Ho Lung, M.O.P. : Former Buddhist

By Fr. Richard Ho Lung
June 16, 2000 | No Comments

Father Ho Lung’s family came to Jamaica, from China, in the 1930s where they struggled to survive operating a small shop. He was taught by the Franciscan sisters. Their Franciscan

Bob Fishman: Jewish Convert

By Bob Fishman
June 09, 2000 | No Comments

Marcus and Bob discuss the Jewish roots of the Catholic faith. Bob was brought up in a largely non-practicing Jewish family. He was allowed to study any religion or philosophy

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