Raymond Arroyo: A Life-long Catholic

By Raymond Arroyo
February 06, 2006 | No Comments

Raymond is a life-long Catholic. Born and raised in New Orleans he always celebrated Catholic culture and traditions. While attending college, he experienced a deepening of his faith in Jesus

Jason Hamilton: Former Church of Ireland

By Jason Hamilton
January 23, 2006 | No Comments

Jason was reared in the Anglican Church of Ireland. After a long journey, wherein he had to shed many prejudices from groing up in Northern Ireland, he was received into

Joe & Summer Allman: Former Weslyans

By Joe & Summer Allman
January 16, 2006 | No Comments

Joe didn’t grow up in any religion. He say religion as a crutch. After he and Summer were married, in the 1960’s, they lived a hippies on a farm. While

Kevin Lents: Former Methodist

By Kevin Lents
January 09, 2006 | No Comments

Kevin’s father was Catholic and his mother sort of Protestant. He was baptized into the Church but the family never went to Mass. At the age of 6, his parents

Dr. H. Graham Hudgins: Former Episcopal Priest

By H. Graham Hudgins
November 28, 2005 | No Comments

Graham was born in a devout Episcopal family. When he was 14, he went to a wrestling camp, a leader asked boys who were interested in the Bible to stay

David Quinn: A Revert to the Catholic Faith

By David Quinn
November 21, 2005 | No Comments

David was raised in Dublin in a conventional Catholic family. He grew up in the 1960’s and 70’s, when he received no structured religious instruction. He finally did get one solid

Tatiana Cameron: Baptized as an Infant and Became a Pop Star

By Tatiana Cameron
November 14, 2005 | One Comment

Tatiana was born in Croatia. She was baptized in secret but never attended Mass or prayed for fear of the Communists. Growing up in a musical family, she sang in

Curtis Martin: Revert from Non-denominationalism

By Curtis Martin
November 07, 2005 | No Comments

Marcus & Curtis answer open-line questions in this episode. Curtis was brought up in a devoted Catholic family. He experienced all the rites of passage as other Catholic children, but

Ken Henderson: Addiction to Pornography

By Ken Henderson
October 17, 2005 | No Comments

Ken grew up as a member of the Church of Christ. In his teens he became addicted to pornography and in his 20’s was into Zen Buddhism. He met his

Rob Rodgers: Former Anglican

By Rob Rodgers
October 03, 2005 | No Comments

Marcus and Rob answer open-line questions from the Journey Home audience. Rob was reared first in the United Church of Canada and later the Anglican Church. In high school and

Monte Waddill: Former Southern Baptist Minister

By Monte Waddill
September 26, 2005 | No Comments

Monte is a graduate of Mercer University and has a Master of Divinity degree from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. After 18 years as a Southern Baptist pastor he became a Catholic. This was the

Dr. Paul Thigpen: Former Evangelical Pentecostal Minister

By Paul Thigpen
September 12, 2005 | No Comments

Marcus and Paul answer open-line questions from the Journey Home audience. Paul was brought up Presbyterian but at the age of 12 became an atheist, later dabbling in the New

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