Charles Wadlow: Revert from Evangelicalism

June 04, 2012 | No Comments

Charles Wadlow grew up in Seattle in a blended family of five, with a mother who was Southern Baptist and a Catholic father who was born in England.  The result

Deacon Patrick Wilson: Former Presbyterian

May 28, 2012 | No Comments

Deacon Patrick Wilson was born in Newark, OH into a protestant family which began as Methodists and then switched to a local Presbyterian church after a period of inactivity.  His

Chris Padgett: Former Baptist/Assembly of God/Nazarene

May 14, 2012 | No Comments

The divorce of his parents at a young age had a significant impact on Chris Padgett growing up in North Dakota.  It brought his mother back to church in the

Dr George Harne: Former Anglican/Pentecostal

May 07, 2012 | No Comments

In the early days of the Pentecostal movement, the grandfather of Dr. George Harne moved from Maryland to Pensacola, Florida to start a new church and to host a radio

Shane Kapler: Revert; Former Non-Denominational

April 30, 2012 | No Comments

His mother was from the Methodist tradition while his father, one of twelve children, came from a decidedly Catholic background.  Shane Kapler, found himself in Catholic schools, but because of

Eric Sammons: Former United Methodist

April 23, 2012 | No Comments

Growing up in Cincinnati in a typical suburban family, Eric Sammons was raised in the United Methodist tradition.  It was a religiously sheltered life, he claims.  Not until college would

Ron Meyer: Revert to the Catholic Faith

April 09, 2012 | No Comments

EWTN radio host and regional marketing manager, Ron Meyer, joins Marcus in sharing his faith journey.  Growing up for the first seven years in an Italian-Catholic neighborhood in the Bronx,

Kevin Lowry: Former Presbyterian

April 02, 2012 | No Comments

Growing up in Canada, Kevin Lowry lived as the son of a Presbyterian minister and his wife who lived out their faith.  At age 16, Kevin headed off to college

Fr. Shawn Gould: Former Presbyterian

March 12, 2012 | No Comments

Fr. Shawn Gould grew up in Western Michigan in the small town of Grant Haven.  It was an area with many Dutch immigrants.  Fr. Shawn and his family were active

Joanna Bogle: Life-long Catholic

March 05, 2012 | No Comments

Joanna Bogle, English author, historian and broadcaster, visits with Marcus.  Together they compare and contrast various religious topics as they relate to England and the United States.  Joanna is a

Fr. Dave Harris: Former Southern Baptist Minister

February 27, 2012 | No Comments

A lifelong resident of Kentucky, Fr. Dave Harris shares his faith journey with Marcus.  He spent his first 18 years in the Cumberland Gap region, a predominantly Southern Baptist area.

Nicole DeMille: Former Lutheran

February 13, 2012 | No Comments

Nicole DeMille grew up in New York in a family identified culturally and faithfully as Lutheran.  She attended Lutheran schools through high school and was steeped in this faith tradition

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