Dr. Ryan Topping: A Former Mennonite

By Dr. Ryan Topping
July 20, 2015 | No Comments

Ryan was brought up in Canada in the Mennonite faith. As a boy his family only attended church at Christmas and Easter. He gave his heart to Jesus Christ, when

Fr. Leo Patalinghug: A Revert to the Faith

By Fr. Leo Patalinghug
July 13, 2015 | 4 Comments

Father Leo was baptized Catholic and brought up in a Catholic home in Baltimore, Maryland. When young he was bored at Mass and questioned his faith. His heart was turned to

Jack Bryant: Revert

By Jack Bryant
June 29, 2015 | No Comments

Jack had a good Catholic background but from his teen years, after a traumatic experience, he drifted away from the Church. His journey Home began when, after the death of his

Dr. Jared Ortiz: Revert from the World

By Dr. Jared Ortiz
June 22, 2015 | No Comments

Jared was brought up in a in a Catholic family but was never formed in the faith. Most religious influence ended after his parents divorced when he was about eight.

Daniel Ali: Muslim Convert to Catholic Christianity – The Journey Home

By Daniel Ali
June 15, 2015 | 2 Comments

Daniel Ali was raised as a Kurdish Muslim in Northern Iraq, and then moved to the United States to attend college. While there, he married an American Protestant, and became

John Sherman: Former Methodist & Non-denominational

By John Sherman
June 08, 2015 | No Comments

John was raised in an Methodist home. They gave him a good foundation and took him to church but Jesus wasn’t talked about much in the home. By the time

Dr. Holly Ordway: Former Episcopalian

By Dr. Holly Ordway
June 01, 2015 | One Comment

Holly grew up “culturally Christian”. The family never attended church and their wasn’t a Bible in the house but there was no hostility to religion. She was gripped by the

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle: Life-long Catholic

By Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle
May 18, 2015 | No Comments

Donna-Marie is a life-long Catholic who shares with Marcus the faithfulness of God through her life’s many difficulties. She also talks about being “introduced” to Blessed Mother Teresa by another living

Marty Doucette: Former Evangelical Orthodox Church

By Marty Doucette
May 11, 2015 | One Comment

Marty was raised in a wonderful Roman Catholic home. Sadly, he was hurt as a young boy causing him to hate himself and eventually to hate God and the Catholic

Fr. Shane Tharp: Formerly Unchurched

By Fr. Shane Tharp
May 04, 2015 | 4 Comments

Father Shane was raised by a single mother. His parents divorced when he was six months old. His mother had been brought up Catholic but it wasn’t a good experience for

Tom Grossman: Former Non-denominational Charismatic

By Tom Grossman
April 27, 2015 | One Comment

Tom was raised by awesome parents who loved the Lord Jesus. The family moved around a lot, active in different Non-denominational ministries. While in college Tom began to drift. His

Jamie & Jack McAleer: A Former Lutheran and a Revert from Secularism

By Jamie & Jack McAleer
April 20, 2015 | No Comments

Jack grew up Catholic in Mobile, Alabama. His parents were great role models for the faith. They lived only three doors from the church and Jack was a regular altar

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