Greg Graham – Former Evangelical

September 18, 2018 | No Comments

Greg Graham became a strong Christian in his teens, but when he and his wife began to look for a church home as young adults, they were confronted with several

Gary and Charlotte Wiley – Former Wesleyan Missionaries

September 11, 2018 | No Comments

Charlotte Wiley left the Catholic Church when she had a born-again experience as a young woman, and married Gary, who came from the Pilgrim Holiness tradition and felt called to

Bill Gent – Former Baptist and Evangelical Free Pastor

August 28, 2018 | No Comments

Bill Gent grew up Catholic, and even briefly considered a call to the priesthood. However, life got messy in his young adult years, and when a friend invited him to

Austin Ruse – Former Methodist

August 21, 2018 | No Comments

Austin Ruse came from a nominally Methodist background, with a few flashes of grace along the way. However, when he was in college and heard a professor attack religion, it

Dr. Barry Carey – Former Oneness Pentecostal and Anglican

August 14, 2018 | No Comments

Dr. Barry Carey grew up as a United, or “Oneness” Pentecostal, believing that there was no Trinity, but just one God, taking new forms during different periods of human history.

Jeremy Tate – Former Presbyterian Church of America

August 09, 2018 | No Comments

Jeremy Tate accepted Jesus into his heart as a teenager through the ministry of Young Life, and though there were bumps in the road along the way, he ended up

Rob Marco – Formerly Unchurched

July 24, 2018 | No Comments

Rob Marco’s dad was Ukranian Catholic and his mom Episcopalian, but he wasn’t really raised in either tradition, although he had some experience of both. As a spiritual seeker in

Margaret and David Bereit – Cradle Catholic and Presbyterian

July 17, 2018 | No Comments

David Bereit was a lifelong Presbyterian married to a cradle Catholic, and his involvement in the 40 Days for Life movement continued to bring him into contact with faithful Catholics

Stephen Gleason – Former Non-Denominational Pastor

July 09, 2018 | No Comments

Stephen Gleason was baptized Catholic as a baby, and grew up going to Catholic schools and being an altar server in the years leading up to Vatican II.  In his

Marshall Fightlin – Convert from Judaism

June 27, 2018 | No Comments

Marshall Fightlin’s father was Jewish, and his mother Catholic, and when they married, they decided together that Judaism would be the family’s religion. Marshall has vivid memories of celebrating the

Derya Little – Former Muslim, Atheist and Protestant

June 12, 2018 | No Comments

Derya Little grew up in a culturally Muslim household in Turkey, but when her parents divorced, it caused her to question everything, including the tenets of Islam. Studying it critically

Mike Peters – Former Nondenominational Christian

June 05, 2018 | No Comments

Mike Peters was raised Episcopalian, but after a radical encounter with Jesus as a young man, he left behind what he thought of as “dead,” ritualistic religion for a vibrant

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