Fr. Eric Roush – Former Agnostic

May 11, 2021 | No Comments

Fr. Eric Roush didn’t grow up in a churchgoing family, although he did have a couple of Christian friends in high school. During his freshman year of college, while he

Maija Fish – Former Evangelical Protestant

April 27, 2021 | No Comments

Maija Fish grew up in a family that had positive feelings toward Christianity, and she always had a hunger to know God, but didn’t feel equipped to explore that longing

Dr. Ryan McDermott – Former Episcopalian

April 13, 2021 | No Comments

Dr. Ryan McDermott spent his earliest days in a Christian commune that was inspired by the “Jesus Movement” of the 60’s and 70’s. As he grew up, he experienced some

Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson – Former Episcopalian Bishop

March 30, 2021 | No Comments

Marcus Grodi welcomes Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson to the show to discuss the barriers that Anglicans and Episcopalians face on their way into the Catholic Church, as well as some of

Fr. Matthew Hawkins – Former African Methodist Episcopal

March 16, 2021 | No Comments

Fr. Matthew Hawkins came from a long line of A.M.E. ministers, and because of his father’s role as a minister and community leader, he received exposure to a number of

Marcus Peter – Former Atheist and Assemblies of God

March 02, 2021 | No Comments

Marcus Peter grew up Catholic in Malaysia, but do to poor formation and the hypocrisy he saw among Catholics, he decided he was an atheist from a young age. He

Deacon Charlie and Jess Echeverry – Catholic Revert and former New Age

February 16, 2021 | No Comments

Jess Echeverry was abused as a child and by the time she was 16, she was pregnant and homeless. After she had an abortion at 18, she fell into despair

James Anderson – Former Episcopal Priest

February 02, 2021 | No Comments

Jim Anderson had faith growing up, but he was also drawn by 60’s counterculture. His search for meaning led him to seek spiritual truth, but it also led him to

Steve Ray: A former Baptist looks at the Creed

January 26, 2021 | No Comments

Former Baptist Steve Ray returns to the show to discuss his recent book, The Catholic Faith: An Introduction to the Creeds. He recaps some of the key reasons he became Catholic,

Fr. Bob Rottgers – Former Episcopalian

January 19, 2021 | No Comments

Fr. Bob Rottgers was raised Episcopalian, and his brother even went on to become an Episcopal priest. While still an Episcopal layman, Fr. Bob was married, and his wife, who

Dr. Brent Robbins – Former Agnostic and Catholic Revert

January 12, 2021 | No Comments

Dr. Brent Robbins came from an Irish and Italian Catholic family, and even went to Catholic schools, but by the time he started studying to be a psychologist as an

Kenneth Calvert – Former Lutheran, Congregationalist and Episcopalian

December 22, 2020 | No Comments

From his youth, Dr. Kenneth Calvert had a deep faith, and a hunger to learn about all aspects of it. He experienced Christianity in a number of denominational contexts, attending

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