The Harmony of Beauty and Truth – Dr. Brandon Vaidyanathan

October 20, 2023 | No Comments

Is beauty purely a matter of preference? Is science the only way to explore knowledge? Or is our desire to engage in both beauty and science part of a larger

A Father Finds Healing After Abortion – Tyler Pakka

October 06, 2023 | No Comments

When Tyler and his wife Kerstin found out they were expecting after they’d just had their first child, they knew abortion was a legal option for them, so they pursued

Finding Friendship with the Saints – Sr. Julia Mary Darrenkamp, FSP

September 29, 2023 | No Comments

When Sr. Julia was a young Evangelical Protestant, she began to discover the lives of the saints. She was immediately drawn to martyrs like St. Agnes and St. Maria Goretti;

A Protestant Minister Finds a New Calling – Fr. Michael Rennier

September 22, 2023 | No Comments

Growing up Pentecostal, Fr. Michael Rennier felt called to ministry, but his concept of pastoring was built on big personalities and talented public speaking, and he didn’t feel like that’s

An Evangelical Discovers the Sacraments – Deb Scaravilli

September 15, 2023 | No Comments

Deb Scaravilli grew up in a dispensationalist congregation that believed Baptism was part of a previous dispensation, and not necessary for Christians. Later, in an Evangelical Free Church context, Baptism

Unlearning Anti-Catholic Biases – Norman bin Yazid

September 01, 2023 | No Comments

As a Seventh-day Adventist, there was a time when Norman bin Yazid believed a number of things about the Catholic Church: that it represented the worst of the Great Apostasy

A Pentecostal Discovers Liturgical Worship – Fr. Michael Rennier

August 25, 2023 | No Comments

Fr. Michael Rennier grew up in a Pentecostal environment, and the worship services he went to focused on contemporary praise music, with a sermon as the centerpiece. When he discovered

Finding the Courage to Share Your Conversion Story – Tyler Pakka

August 18, 2023 | No Comments

Sharing your Catholic faith can be a daunting proposition, but as Tyler Pakka points out, sometimes we overcomplicate it by overthinking it. There can be a tendency to reduce our

Managing Your Zeal as a New Convert – Sam Guzman

August 11, 2023 | No Comments

Many of us who became Catholic – especially if we came from Evangelical Protestant backgrounds — entered the Church full of excitement, fervor, and a desire to do what we’ve

From Purity Culture to Theology of the Body – Rachel Bulman

August 04, 2023 | No Comments

The view of sexual morality that Rachel Bulman grew up with in her Pentecostal youth group was heavily focused on what counted as a sin, and had a strong emphasis

Rose Hawthorne: American Catholic Convert

July 06, 2023 | No Comments

Many know Nathaniel Hawthorne as one of the most famous writers in American history. But did you know that his daughter, Rose, was a Catholic convert who founded her own

Understanding God as a Loving Father – Mick Souza

June 23, 2023 | No Comments

In 1992, the year Mick Souza won the Mr. Universe title, he had one of the most impressive physiques in the world. But as a scared little boy without a

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