Insights: Where Modern Morality Comes From

November 17, 2017 | No Comments

Without a metaphysical understanding of what a human person is, it’s difficult to come up with a solid moral foundation that guides us in how humans should treat one another.

Insights: The Importance of Religious Life

November 02, 2017 | No Comments

Is St. Paul’s ideal of consecrated vocations devoted to living the Gospel still relevant today?  What use to the world are men and women who live celibate lives in communities

Insights: The Early Church Fathers

October 19, 2017 | No Comments

Why should Christians care what the Early Church Fathers have to say?  Mike Aquilina reminds us that the same world that produced the New Testament also produced a number of

Insights: Mary the Mother of God

October 06, 2017 | 4 Comments

As a Jewish girl turned on-fire Evangelical, the thought of using a term like “Mother of God” in reference to Mary seemed blasphemous to Mother Miriam, who was then known

Insights: The Papacy

September 14, 2017 | One Comment

For Tanner Whitham, who works in outreach for Franciscan University, one of the main obstacles that prevented him from becoming Catholic was the idea of the papacy. How could one

Insights: Continuity of the Church

By Mike Aquilina
August 30, 2017 | 5 Comments

In this short video from The Coming Home Network, Catholic historian and patristics expert Mike Aquilina explains why we can trust the Church, despite a 2000 year past that’s full of

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