Protestant Pastors and Catholic Priests – Dr. John Bergsma

April 18, 2019 | No Comments

What’s the difference between the roles of Protestant pastors and Catholic priests? There are many different understandings out there, but as a Christian Reformed minister, Dr. John Bergsma saw as

Catholicism’s Moral Witness to Other Christians – Jay Richards

April 12, 2019 | No Comments

As a Presbyterian, Jay Richards might not have always appreciated the Catholic Church, but he always considered it important that She “held the line” on the major moral issues that

When Conversion Causes Family Conflict – Nathaniel Hurd

April 05, 2019 | No Comments

When Nathaniel Hurd first told his parents he was interested in the Catholic faith, they were angry, disappointed and confused. Their own negative experiences of Catholicism led them to believe

How Beauty Opens the Heart to God – Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP

March 29, 2019 | No Comments

Though raised Catholic, as a young woman, Sr. Theresa Alethia Noble considered herself an atheist. And yet, when she would visit a majestic cathedral, or see a beautiful sunrise, she

The Mandate for Christian Unity – Fr. Edward Meeks

March 15, 2019 | No Comments

How is the world supposed to take Christianity seriously when it’s so divided? Jesus himself prayed in John 17 that his followers would be one as He and the Father

Cross or Crucifix? – Dr. John Bergsma

March 08, 2019 | No Comments

As the son of a military chaplain, Dr. John Bergsma was scandalized when he saw the base chapel change over between Protestant and Catholic services, and the bare cross for

The Importance of Ecumenism – Dr. Peter Kreeft

March 01, 2019 | No Comments

Why should Christians work and pray for unity? Dr. Peter Kreeft reminds us that this mandate comes from Jesus himself, who prayed in John 17 that all Christians would be

Tolkien and the Catholic Imagination – Jay Richards

February 15, 2019 | No Comments

Why has J.R.R. Tolkien, best known for his fiction, been so instrumental in drawing so many people to the Catholic Church? Jay Richards, who grew up Presbyterian, discusses the way

Human Dignity and the Catholic Church – Nathaniel Hurd

February 01, 2019 | No Comments

As a former atheist who became Catholic, one of the things that drew Nathaniel Hurd to the Church was its consistent teaching on the dignity of the human person. Not

Ecumenism and the Pro-Life Movement – Shaun Rieley

January 18, 2019 | No Comments

As the oldest of 12 kids, Shaun Reiley’s Christian family instilled in him a respect for life from as far back as he can remember. However, he wasn’t sure what

The Impact of Conversion – Dr. Matthew Bunson

January 11, 2019 | No Comments

What is the impact of a single conversion? Dr. Matthew Bunson looks at the case of his mother, who entered the Catholic Church in 1948, and how the zeal of

Why Do Catholics Go On Pilgrimages? – Steve Ray

January 04, 2019 | No Comments

Popular pilgrimage guide Steve Ray, a Baptist who became Catholic, reflects on how he came to understand the Catholic idea of pilgrimage, compared to the way he understood religious travel

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