Got a question about the Catholic Church, or need assistance on your journey? Consider becoming a member, or feel free to contact us for more information. The Coming Home Network exists to help converts, reverts, those on the journey, and those who are just curious – we’d love to hear from you!
This week’s Journey Home episode was with Bill Gent, a former pastor and church planter who found his way back to his Catholic roots.
We released another online video from our 2011 Deep in History conference with Dr. Scott Hahn, who explored the Holy Spirit’s role in guiding the Church through the centuries.
Ken Hensley continued his series on sharing the Gospel with atheists and agnostics, looking at the desire for happiness as evidence of the image of God.
On the latest Deep in Scripture podcast, Marcus Grodi and Paul Thigpen unpacked 2 Corinthians 7:1 and the true meaning of the fear of God.
And for the feast of St. Augustine, Marcus Grodi and CHNetwork staff looked at the influence of this great saint and his impact on our work on the latest live stream on our YouTube channel.
Meanwhile, around the web…
Mark Hausam shared a series of emails he wrote to himself as he was transitioning from Protestantism to the Catholic faith.
Fr. Alexander Lucie-Smith emphasized the need to remember persecuted Christians in Turkey.
Joe Heschmeyer looked at what St. Augustine had to say about the importance of relics.
And a new site, churchfathers.org, has launched with a library of key resources and thoughts from early Christian thinkers on several matters of doctrine and morality.
Catholic News Agency profiled men and women who are combining prayer and fitness as they prepare for this weekend’s Ironman World Championship in South Africa.
A convert seeking to grow in her understanding of the Eucharist, a number of Catholic teachers and catechists who will be leading RCIA classes this fall, and several members who’ve shared their concerns about joining a scandal-ridden Church – these are just a few examples of the people we are praying for and working with this month at The Coming Home Network International. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting chnetwork.org/donate today!
“I have read in Plato and Cicero sayings that are wise and very beautiful; but I have never read in either of them: Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden.”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Feast Day: August 28