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BlogCHNetwork Weekly Roundup

The CHNetwork Network Weekly Roundup #102

April 20, 2018 No Comments

Got a question about the Catholic Church, or need assistance on your journey? Consider becoming a member, or feel free to contact us for more information.  The Coming Home Network exists to help converts, reverts, those on the journey, and those who are just curious – we’d love to hear from you!


We had a GREAT Spring CHNetwork Retreat in Columbus OH! Please pray for all the retreatants as they return home to their loved ones. If you’d like more information about upcoming CHNetwork Retreat opportunities, visit!

This week’s Journey Home episode was with Keith Albert Little, a nondenominational Christian from Canada’s United Church who became a Catholic.

We posted a short video from Jeff Cavins explaining how the Church Fathers helped open his heart to Catholicism.

CHNetwork’s very own Br. Rex Anthony Norris was profiled by Catholic News Agency in a piece exploring what life looks like for a modern-day hermit.

We made available Matt D’Antuono’s written conversion story in online form, wherein he journey from teaching at a private Christian school to entering the Catholic Church.

And Charles Hoffman continued his article series on Scripture and Tradition, this time looking at the very nature and meaning of authority.


Meanwhile, around the web…


K.V. Turley took a look inside Bl. John Henry Newman’s “dying room.”

And ChurchPOP shared how the average Catholic can aid in the canonization process of GK Chesterton.


Cardinal Gerhard Müller reflected on who may receive Holy Communion in the Catholic Church.


Dave Armstrong looked at Biblical evidence for the perpetual virginity of Mary.

And Keith Albert Little (this week’s Journey Home guest) explained why the priest does the dishes at Mass.


Deacon Greg Kandra shared a first look Anthony Hopkins as Pope Benedict for an upcoming NETFLIX special – check out the resemblance!


A member who’s just started telling her loved ones about her interest in the Catholic faith, another member who dropped out of RCIA this year but is still curious about the Church, and all the new Easter converts struggling to make friends in her parish  – these are just a few examples of the people we are praying for this month at The Coming Home Network International. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting today!


“Remove grace, and you have nothing whereby to be saved. Remove free will and you have nothing that could be saved.”

St. Anselm of Canterbury

Feast Day: April 21

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