First and foremost, the Coming Home Network exists to help YOU on your faith journey. If you need prayer, support, or just want to talk to a staff member, please don’t hesitate to contact us! In the meantime, here’s our latest weekly roundup of original and curated Catholic content for converts and the curious:
This week’s Journey Home episode featured Fr. Richard Rojas, who was a semi-pro skateboarder, a military chaplain, and an Anglican priest before being received into the
Catholic Church.
Our latest written conversion story comes from Joanna Wahlund, who was troubled by the direction of her denomination on moral issues, and in the process of trying to debate them, found herself thinking more and more in line with Catholicism.
The June edition of the CHNewsletter hit mailboxes and inboxes this week- to get on the list to receive future newsletters, click here.
And for #ThrowbackThursday, we highlighted a 2005 Journey Home episode with Dr. Douglas Grandon, before he became Fr. Douglas Grandon and joined the CHNetwork team of spiritual advisors.
Meanwhile, around the web…
Our Sunday Visitor explored why conversion stories are such an important tool, not only for evangelization, but also for building up the faithful.
Missy Funderburk shared how her conversion to Catholicism started with one prayer, and one answer.
And Joseph Pearce has teamed up with the Blackfriars of New York to present a stage drama on the life of World War I poet and Catholic convert Segfried Sassoon.
The commissioning of a “robot priest” by a protestant group in Germany has reinvigorated debate in ecumenical circles on the meaning of the priesthood.
Jay Richards responded to the charge that the early Church as described in Acts 2 was operating according to Communist principles.
And Archbishop Charles Chaput explained what happens to our understanding of God when we explain the devil away as a psychological construct.
The New York Times reported this week on some fresh finds in Rome’s ancient catacombs.
A journeyer learning to trust God more fully in the midst of a cancer battle, an Episcopal seminarian whose eyes have been opened by reading the Church Fathers, and a convert struggling to explain her Catholicism to her non-Catholic family – these are just a few examples of the people we are working with this month at The Coming Home Network International. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting chnetwork.org/donate today!
“Lord, shed upon our darkened souls the brilliant light of your wisdom so that we may be enlightened and serve you with renewed purity.”
St. Ephrem the Syrian
Feast Day: June 9