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And The Truth Will Set You Free: How I Was Reconciled to the Catholic Church

Kathleen M. Gavlas |
Anglican & Episcopalian, Assemblies of God, Conversion Stories, Pentecostal | 8 Comments

I have to begin my conversion story by relating something of my family life. My father worked for the government as an air traffic controller. They transferred him wherever they wished even though he had a family. So, we moved from state to state when I was a little girl. My youngest brother and I were born in Minnesota, our home state. I was born in 1948 in Minnesota and baptized October 31 that same year in Selma, Alabama, which tells how often we moved. My other brother and sister were each born in a different Southern state. Because of our constant moving, establishing a stable spiritual home was quite difficult for us.

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Crossing the Tiber

Steve Ray |
Baptist, Conversion Stories, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

At this very moment in our lives a long-time Evangelical friend and pastor announced to us, “Steve, my wife and I have decided to join the Catholic Church.” Janet and I were stunned. I immediately blurted out, “Al, that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard; you are way too smart to be a Catholic!”

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Taking Courage: How God Drew Me into the Light of His Church

Alicia Smith |
Agnostic, Anglican & Episcopalian, Atheist/Agnostic, Conversion Stories | 14 Comments

“Learning about Catholicism, after being schooled by Protestants, I felt like I had only been allowed to view little random pieces of incredible artwork. It is only now that I understand the pieces were a single, beautiful masterpiece.” After a rocky childhood, Alicia joined the US Navy, which brought about stability and order in her life. Life in the Navy prepared her for life in an unexpected place: the Catholic Church.

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