
“I knew the Church had to be something more than just a general, spiritual body.” – with Eric Neubauer

February 24, 2016 No Comments

“That which I thought was strange [about Catholicism], once I investigated it, it wasn’t that strange anymore!”

Eric Neubauer came from a non-denomination Evangelical background, following Jesus since 1993. After his initial conversion, he found his path to service through leadership at Hillcrest Church in Dallas, Texas. Eventually he became the Campus Pastor at Southern Methodist University for Hillcrest Church serving on campus for six years, later serving as pastor of College & Career Adults, Youth Ministry, and Community Outreach. After moving to Connecticut, he worked with a community of other like-minded Christians to improve the physical environment of their neighborhood and entered into dialogue with neighbors on the meaning of the Gospel message. It was during this time that he felt drawn to study the history of religious orders within the Catholic Church. While reading about the life of St. Francis of Assisi, he felt an immediate connection. Thus, began a journey that would eventually lead him into full-communion with the Catholic Church.

For more information about Mr. Neubauer watch his full conversion story on the Journey Home Program or visit his website 21 Century Pilgrim.