Dr. Dale Peterson, MD: Former Presbyterian
October 30, 2000 | No Comments
Dale grew up a nominal Christian family. At the age of 15 he decided he wanted to be a physician. In college and medical school he would sometimes attend a
Dale grew up a nominal Christian family. At the age of 15 he decided he wanted to be a physician. In college and medical school he would sometimes attend a
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Jim grew up in a Lutheran family on a dairy farm in northern Ohio, but he didn’t have a real relationship with God. His journey of faith began while stationed,
Robin was raised in a family where her mother was a Christian Scientist and her father an indifferent Methodist. By the age of 14, both of her parents had died.
Marcus and Ken answer open-line questions from the audience. Reared in a Protestant home, in his late teens Dr. Howell had a deep sense of the grace of God in
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Dwight was reared, in Pennsylvania, in a devoted Evangelical Fundamentalist family. He majored in speech and English at Bob Jones University. Through a professor he was introduced to Anglican worship,
David was born and raised on Long Island in a devoted Baptist family. As a teen he did a summer mission trip to Africa. Later he went through a rebellious
Father Zuhlsdorf was raised in a nominal Lutheran family. When he was seven his grandmother gave him two albums, one of classical music and another of Shakespeare’s plays. About the
Mother Angelica was born Rita Antoinette Rizzo, in 1923, in Canton, Ohio. In 1944, she joined the contemplative order of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration. After a severe back
Lisanne was a dyed in the wool pagan for the first 20 years of her life. Bill was brought up in the Presbyterian Church but no relationship with Christ. He
Marcus and Eduardo answer open-line questions from the audience.
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