Mark Brumley: Former Methodist

By Mark Brumley
August 04, 2003 | No Comments

Marcus and Mark answer open-line questions from the audience. Mark recounts his journey from a “southwest St. Louis theist” to his conversion to Christ and attending a Baptist and later

Walter Hooper: A Disciple of C. S. Lewis Who Became Catholic

By Walter Hooper
July 21, 2003 | No Comments

Walter Hooper grew up an Anglican in Kentucky. While studying at the University of North Carolina, he discovered C. S. Lewis and fell in love with his writings. In the

Glen Allen: Former Baptist Minister

By Glen Allen
July 14, 2003 | No Comments

Glen was reared a Methodist, in the projects in Milwaukee, one of 10 children. At 13, he was sent to a Jesuit boarding school but he wasn’t interested and did

Steve Wood: Former Presbyterian Minister

By Steve Wood
July 07, 2003 | No Comments

Marcus and Steve answer open-line questions from the Journey Home audience. Steve was reared by good decent Presbyterian parents, but “not a whole lot stuck.” After a couple of very

Nolan & Tracy Spenst: Former Evangelical Christians

By Nolan & Tracy Spenst
June 30, 2003 | No Comments

Nolan and Tracy are both from an Evangelical background. Nolan studied at Taylor University and Tracy earned a degree in Biblical Studies before their marriage. Nolan was ordained a minister

Mark McNeil: Former Jesus-Only Pentecostal

By Mark McNeil
June 23, 2003 | No Comments

Mark’s parents did not often attend church, but at a young age he was permitted to participate at a Baptist congregation, where he was aware of God, loved the Scriptures

Dr. William Oddie: Former Anglican Priest

By William Oddie
June 16, 2003 | No Comments

Dr. Oddie was educated in a Nonconformist (Congregational) school. In rebellion, he became a self-styled atheist and secular humanist. Something of a mid-life crisis and reading C. S. Lewis brought

Dr. Anthony Rizzi: Revert from Agnosticism

By Anthony Rizzi
June 09, 2003 | No Comments

Dr. Anthony Rizzi, founder and director of the Institute for Advanced Physics, gained worldwide recognition in theoretical physics by solving an 80-year old problem in Einstein’s theory. With physics degrees

David Currie: Former Fundamentalist Bible Christian

By David Currie
June 02, 2003 | No Comments

Marcus and David answer open-line questions from the audience. David was reared in a staunchly Fundamentalist home. He remembers being upset the day President Kennedy was assassinated because he believed

Fr. Richard John Neuhaus: Former Lutheran

By Fr. Richard John Neuhaus
May 26, 2003 | No Comments

Born in Canada, Fr. Neuhaus was one of eight children of a Lutheran minister. When he was 14, he turned his life to Jesus Christ. Later, he moved to St.

Fr. Ian Ker: Former Anglican

By Fr. Ian Ker
May 19, 2003 | No Comments

Fr. Ker was brought in a conventional Anglican church. He was sent to an Anglican school. He stopped attending church when he began school at Oxford. He had his conversion

Shawn Reeves: Former Evangelical Protestant

By Shawn Reeves
May 12, 2003 | No Comments

Shawn’s father was Protestant and his mother Catholic. As a child he was allowed to decide his own faith. He chose to be a Non-denominational Evangelical because he felt that

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