Dr. Matthew Bunson – Child of Converts

January 10, 2019 | No Comments

Dr. Matthew Bunson’s mother was an Episcopalian who discovered a Catechism on the sidewalk in the Chicago snow, and began to read and pray her way into the Catholic Church.

Jason Craig – Former Evangelical Protestant

December 18, 2018 | No Comments

Jason Craig was raised generally Christian in the South, but didn’t really attend church. When he was invited into a personal relationship with Jesus through Young Life, he became on

Fr. Hezekias Carnazzo – Catholic Revert

December 11, 2018 | No Comments

Though raised Catholic, Fr. Hezekias Carnazzo wasn’t particularly observant, and was poorly catechized in the faith. However, a friendship with a Jehovah’s Witness led him to begin to study his

Kenneth Craycraft – Former Church of Christ

December 03, 2018 | No Comments

Ken Craycraft was raised in a strong Christian environment, and his formation was in the Church of Christ/Restorationist movement. As he continued to study theology, he was bothered by the

Fr. Joshua Whitfield – Former Episcopal Priest

November 20, 2018 | No Comments

Fr. Joshua Whitfield grew up generally Christian, but an encounter with high Anglican liturgy in his teens got him hooked on making reverence and beauty a priority in his relationship

Dr. Joshua Hochschild – Former Episcopalian

November 15, 2018 | No Comments

Though not raised in any particular faith, the study of the relationship between faith and reason eventually led Dr. Joshua Hochschild to become a Christian in the Episcopalian Church. He

Dr. Dawn Eden Goldstein – Convert from Judaism

November 08, 2018 | No Comments

In a return visit to The Journey Home, Dr. Dawn Eden Goldstein shares her journey from Judaism through rock journalism and the writings of G.K. Chesterton to the Catholic Church.

Charles Hoffman – Convert from Judaism

November 02, 2018 | No Comments

Charles Hoffman escaped the horrors of Nazi persecution as a child, and grew up with a profound understanding of God’s providence through the Torah and tradition, especially in the story

Tyler Blanski – Former Anglican

October 26, 2018 | No Comments

Tyler Blanski had a deep love of Scripture as far back as he can remember, but also had a strong aversion to any hint of what he saw to be

Troy Guy – Former Baptist

October 24, 2018 | No Comments

Troy Guy accepted Jesus into his heart as a child, and was on fire for his faith from as far back as he can remember. His desire to follow Christ

Fr. John Lipscomb – Former Episcopalian Bishop

October 10, 2018 | No Comments

Fr. John Lipscomb grew up the son of a Baptist preacher, but discovering liturgy, tradition and Church history led him to the Episcopal Church, where he became a priest, and

Dr. Paul Thigpen – Former Evangelical Pentecostal

October 02, 2018 | No Comments

Marcus Grodi welcomes Dr. Paul Thigpen, a former Evangelical Pentecostal minister, back to the program to recap his conversion story, and to address the question of why someone would want

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